make hte longer

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TAN_DATA_GRA, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. You can't just expect devs to adjust and balance different aspects of the game this quickly. It took them a year to create new lands that give you 400 more cs, it'll take another year or two for them to realize you are doing too much damage to $6 hte and finishing them too quickly.
  2. You could of just stopped at you can't expect devs to adjust and balance different aspects of the game.
  3. Lol welcome back bro ️
  4. Support we pay good they give less?
  5. The concept of Hte is to let those who wish to grow faster to do so .However stats have overtook the ebs sustainability in the long term. The EB needs to move in line with stats or a new similar concept introduced .
  6. Just hit higher tier ebs. They pay just as well
  7. have people tried not spending $6 on an obvious money pit? i mean if its 3x the haunt pay why not just do what this guy says and hit the higher level ebs if thats what youre into
  8. They don't FYI
  9. It does for him cause he's tiny. Bigger the stats, the bigger the difference.
  10. Support 
  11. Karma once you have abyss and osmon rai buildings plunder difference is more than double. No one just wanna pay Devs 6$ for this short eb if they will get same plunder from dragon series or Lotl. I hope you did not know that because you have not explored the abyss and osmon rai yet. Hope Devs are not of the same idea 
  12. Support. Hte goes by to fast!
  13. Exactly.
    Now we have so many active Devs in forums
    Hopefully they will pay attention to it.
  14. Support, an additional bar very least, or doubling (or 1.5x) the current bar's health would bring it into balance. Essentially it still allows for it to be completed by smaller players whilst slowing down the pace for larger players.
  15. Or how about a new eb? That's not zta and costs 79 nobs or some other way of paying for it. Of course this eb would be very difficult, and ata would have to explain its for 50m or higher. We could even make the min higher than 50.
  16. support !!!! :D
  17. Support 