You are completely wrong people only get 80 of one item on hte if they get full pots, if you got full pots on aff you would get a lot of items
It's still close to impossible to reach the 8k mark with the current drop rate doing b2b HtE using 3 xtals (which gives max collection items) After running the numbers at this rate 6k is the closest anyone will get without spending a fortune.
Please explain then why equal equipment from ebs used to be the norm. We only have pay to win equipment because devs realised the greed of some players meant they would be crazy enough to pay for it. Now rather than equal equipment and a stable game platform we have huge issue with hit ranges and wars being a total mess due to the divide of pay to play players and the equipment they have now that makes them near invulnerable in a war game to most of the community. But keep bleeting about how the system works. A fair and sensible scenario to support the community had been suggested. Devs almost actually used most of it. Just not everything that we all need them to whether you realise we need yet.
Please list all the issues you have called out 'years in advance' so the community can thank you for single handedly saving kaw.
I really wouldn't care about these events if they picked one good idea about wars or some other issue and implemented it. These b2b events are annoying cus the same people win them over and over again. Go look at what you talking about Willis he wins every time and he's a sh(sh get like 20 with one unload) This game (used) to mean something to people now it's either spend money or not. Its disheartening.
Tell you what mighty just use the search feature on my names in forum and you can read them all out yourself. I've always had a big mouth on forums so plenty for you to work through from wars, Allies inflation promos going the way they have former corrupt mods etc. but like I said you go do some reading. You need the practice.
Exactly. Used to be about a community coming together and helping each other as clans. Hte and promos killed working together. It's all about pay for getting yourself the top prize and look down on anyone that chooses not to spend enough to get there.
For me KAW was always about working hard for your self, feeling proud and gain all the growth by staying active putting time into what you love. Gaining achievements for your hard effete you put into KAW. Those who really played with out spending a dime and grew are really the true KAW players truly you are WINNERS Not the other way round pay your way to success! (Cheat
Couldn't have been said better. There are accounts that are 6 months old that are lcbc. It frustrates the hell out of me. However they keep us running.
Money should gain advantage, but freemium isn't free; anyone not doing Hte has No shot. Boo devs Boooooooo.
I totally agree: I think there should be 2 LB for rewards during promos like this...1 for HTE players n another for non-paying players! This would give people the opportunity to aim for goals in the game regardless of wallet size, as currently, this "freeplay" game is beyond challenging to rival paying players...even better, there should be 2 separate games altogether: pay n nonpay...that way, all kawers would feel equal n not pressurised to add bank details to gain respect, which is basically just that! I feel Kaw would gain much more favouritism with newcomers if they had a choice not swayed by peer pressure...which would probably lead to more paying members in the longrun, as the kaw-addict in all will eventually become apparent anyway...but presently, kaw loses the interest of more newcomers than it keeps due to peoples initial feeling of being lured without full knowledge.
I initially was gonna suggest higher drops for ROTWB, but then it would seem futile chasing HTEs + the highrollers wouldnt get to be LB like they pay can see the point in HTE + ROWB drop differences. But, I still stand by other, harder, much longer ebs should pay better in drops during promos.!
Dude it's not even that expensive. $6 to give up to 100 teammates a chance at better drops on a game that many of us have been playing for years sounds pretty reasonable to me. I've spent $60 on games that held my attention for a tenth of the time this one has. Having events that can assist me or the smaller players in catching up in equips to some older players just by spending a little cash is really nice and it keeps this game running.
I have asked you to back up your boasts, please do so. Given that you have only played the game for two years I think you might struggle. I also have no interest in searching through 2000 posts of drivel. Your constant personal insults smack of pure desperation by the way.
Ha do you even know what you are saying? One of your 'achievements' is promos going the way they have, another is inflation. These are the great things that you have solved for the devs? These are the problems lmao. Anyone can point those out. You've pointed out problems with promos 'years' before huh? They havent even been running for years! Get outta here!!!
Why not realize all EQ earned from this is crap compared to EQ lvl 10 already earned and let the noobs with no EQ chase it? It's been the same how many events in a row? It's all about getting new players to spend RL $ to get it.
Lol you just proved you are an idiot. I never said I solved inflation. I said It would be an issue if they didn't act then. And low and behold they didn't act on that info. Same as they have not for many other good info players that aren't lb have put forward. Yes I have had changes argued and implemented for these events unfortunately the devs pick and choose what they listen too. But how and why I debate points and which ones you wouldn't understand. They don't use everything but its getting better. I campaigned for ee wars against Corinthian who thought wars should be elitist and not for the masses. but then if you can't be bothered to check my history. 2000 posts of drivel ? what would you know of me. Maybe if you had read any of them you would know what bs is coming from your uniformed bias opinion. Prove myself to you. Who are you? How much have you contributed to the community? 2 years. Erm ok sweetie maybe you should ask around. Read some of those posts. Forum alt here hunny bunch. If you don't know my main by now you never will. And even so it's irrelevant. I argue not for my selfish ends like you. I argue for a community we can all enjoy. Not just an overindulgent few. It's people like you that made me realise that wasting my money on here was just a total waste. And my insults sweetie. You are the one who asked if he was dumb. I merely informed you you are. Don't like The answer. Next time don't ask the question. So run along little boy. Enjoy loony town bud. It's going to be a very Lonely place at this rate. At least until it ends up like Fc. As I said. Exclusive until it shuts down. Shame on you for not realising you are not more important than the community. Shame you put money before people. And a shame you don't realise the law when it comes to free to play apps and advertising and that ata is currently breaching those rules. But don't worry. You go kissing the devs butts and see how much longer the game is here for. When its filled with a few people just as sad as you and no community. If it doesn't get shut down first for breaching rules on free to play games. Time for ata to tighten up. In app purchases in free apps are supposed to speed up the process of gameplay. Extra regens xtals nobs for gold All good. Hte just ok. Exclusive contests with equipment that cannot be obtained through normal gameplay is actually against the rules sorry guys. Better check on that one sooner than later. I would rather kaw remains playable and stays available for all the community to be involved. The Office of Fair Trading is conducting an enquiry into the lawfulness of free to play games. The main issues relate to the way in-app purchases and similar schemes are marketed towards children. "As part of the investigation, the OFT has written to companies offering free web or app-based games, seeking information on in-game marketing to children," an OFT spokesman said. The investigation hopes to determine whether free-to-play titles are "misleading, commercially aggressive or otherwise unfair". Game name restricted > caused plenty of controversy at launch because of its fairly aggressive in-app purchasing scheme. We have to say though, months' worth's of gameplay have gone by and we still haven't paid a penny. The titles that the OFT has the most issue with are those which might cause overly "strong encouragement" to children to buy things within the app. The same applies to apps which might persuade parents to do the same. Just recently, a five-year-old child ran up a £1,700 bill playing an app on his iPad. Apple did refund the payments made from his parent's credit card, but it certainly says something about the in-app purchasing model if you can run up that sort of bill. According to the Office of Fair Trading, if it does find that free to play titles are in breach of its trading standards, those elements will be forced to be removed from games. If the investigation finds general fault with the free-to-play business model, it could change the app gaming world forever.
I personally agree with that. As i said earlier Hte makes life easier and gives better rewards. It should be one or the other. It gives high pay and all items for the event. It should stop there but nope it gives more too which as you said breaches the law.