Make America Great Britain Again!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Bush did 7/11
  2. If Britain can't handle Argentina then to be fair, it doesn't deserve its 'world power' status.

    (Note that world power, and superpower aren't the same classification)

  3. Dont laugh some of us born this way. You know how confusing highschool is for a genderqueer otherkin?
  4. Well for starters,'Not so Great Britain'had thier chance at running this country...and got beat down by a developing revolution..So needless to say,they would get thier tea drinking asses handed to them,if they overstep thier boundaries,now with that said....isnt it tea time?TRUMP 2016
  5. *developing revolution funded, armed and assisted by 3 European empires

    Sorry, just needed to correct you.
  6. Excuses are like butt holes, everyone has one. Some just stink worse than others

  7. At least that woman is more famous than you ever will be. Don't hate on people that you don't find attractive. She has people that love her for who she is.
  8. The quote was saying about backing allies the US was asked to step in because they was closer while british troops was sent. They refused to help. As seen from history yes the Brits didn't need the US in order to win the war but if the US had backed their their allies like the Brits have with the last few wars the US have entered (notice how it doesn't state started as I'm not even going to entertain the he started it she started it bs) then the people on the island wouldn't of spent all them days weeks under occupation like they did.
  9. I don't think the point is that we couldn't handle them, I think it's more than many American politicians wanted to side with Argentina.
  10. All I know is the 3 empire doesn't stink as badly as the American excuses for 1812 and Vietnam.
  11. Support! Welcome back to the commonwealth 
  12. I like how this has become a conversation of who is better based on who has done the least "horrific" atrocities historically.

    Definitely my favorite way to measure the world
  13. With a name like Satan I would of assumed you would agree with that method.