Make America Great Britain Again!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. You sarcastically said they never did good then listed building roads railways etc as examples of good they did, then go on to say they did it for their own benefit and agreed it was to line their own pockets.

    You said it was a trading empire and asked for sources to prove otherwise then conceded it wasn't with all the atrocities committed

    You said they left countries far more stable than they were then I provided examples of countries which aren't thanks to the borders drew up by the British to which you say yea 5-10 out of 50.

    I've never seen so many back tracks and contradictions and weak arguments in my life
  2. Back on topic or I ask you to leave.
  3. This barcode guy really is stupid
  4. When Americans still talk about the war of independence but forget that the empire came back and burned down the white house in 1812...
  5. And the south relied on it completely for a few decades afterwards too.
  6. On a serious note, America should join the commonwealth. It benefits them in many ways to do so and there are no negatives to it that I can see.
  7. Can't we just all get along, be great together all at the same time and then have a lovely cup of tea.
  8. You couldn't handle our Southern men.

  9. Post me one legit link to anything that says our gov used chemical weapons on a town lmao...

    I guess you still believe the show ancient aliens is true as well hahahaa

  10. Our sole purpose in that war was independence and we won is that not a win lmao

    God people have became beyond ignorant on these forums
  11. I only support this if it means more British chicks in America bro.
  12. The American war of independence was a proxy war between France and Britain, America didn't "win" anything, they were liberated by another country if anything.

  13. Shall I list the battles we won against british forces without French soldiers ?

    We beat you back then and could do it now using our equipment from 30 years ago....wouldnt even need to use our newer stuff
  14. I see where you're going with this. However it makes me curious, how would you define winning in war? If I'm at war to be recognized by sovereign states as a sovereign state and I achieve this goal, haven't I won, regardless of casualties?

    And to stay on topic, the answer is no. America should not subject ourselves to the British crown. The reason being the adoption of the 1783 Treaty of Paris (google it or pay attention in history class).

    If that isn't good enough, allow me to put it in real terms.

    What is the basic role of government? Most would agree government's role is to first secure the rights and freedoms of individual citizens and secondly, protect those rights.

    Simply put, I know.

    So ask yourself this question. Has the government of The United States of America fulfilled these goals? Yes. Therefore there is no reason, or need for The United States of America to subject ourselves to British rule.

    The question is ultimately silly and absurd and has no relevance to reality. Thanks for an epic troll!
  15. List the battles you won without using French supplied ammo, French made uniforms, soldiers trained by French advisors and using other French equipment.

    Also you couldn't beat us using every piece of equipment you have today Nevermind 30 years ago, that's the joys of being a superpower in the nuclear era, you really don't have the military might to take out other global powers.
  16. Most Americans i know, and i come from military family, view Britain fondly. And would jump to defend them if given the chance if they needed help.

    A shame to see so much hate coming from that direction
  17. Lolololol dude thinks US couldnt beat britain in modern war.. Google world military power rankings and see how much of ant you are to us. Google air force and missle systems and see what we use compared to the Brits
  18. Well America claims 1812 was a draw even tho their military goal was to annex Canada and they ended up with their White House burned to the ground. If that is a draw then couldn't people just claim the war of independence wasn't an American victory?
  19. A nuclear nation can't go to war against another nuclear nation and win. So therefore America really couldn't beat Britain or any other nuclear nation.
  20. Sure they can. Btw yall rank 6th on a website from last year, 9th on a more know what place were in ;)

    According to global military rankings yall couldn't handle japan. Lolol
    We demilitarized japan and accepted unconditional surrender