Make America Great Britain Again!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PrestonGarvey, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. Thats how it used to be! It even used to have an even larger empire than that, cause as we all know, the sun never set on the british empire.
  2. How about we meet you half way op. Send us your women and the rest of yall can call yourself the fifty first state.
  3. You couldn't handle our northern women.
  5. So wed essentially be trading a bunch of useless presidential canidates for a useless queen? Dont see what it would help at this point
  6. Though it Would be nice to see the "western" countries united against the irans and Russias of the world. Would be like ya screw with us now
  7. And that's how small minded you are and why Brits don't wanna be part of you.

    Russia is not a big scary monster, if anything I like them more than most Americas. I'm more worried with the fact how many times America has accidentally ended the world it's not even laughable the amount of times it's almost happened, and the current situation in Iraq is a problem your government created and pulled the rest of the western world into.
  8. And in come the its all americas fault cry babies. How about you take responsibility for your own country. Britian tried to be a tyrannical empire and failed, its time passed. Dont act like your any better than the U.S.

    And saying we are worse than russia is hilarious. Who sales most the nuclear material to these crazy ass nations ? Russia does. Bc they dont give a crap putin just wants to line his pockets
  9. British empire responsible for 150m deaths. On a side note I never understand why Iran gets such a hard time when Saudi Arabia gets away Scot free a country responsible for IS and Osama bin head and where women can't drive then I remember they have oil.
  10. Imperial * empire. Which is what every other European country was doing and how you as a country, and great nation came into existence.

    But crying? I was giving you a point why we don't want to be part of America, but if you want to throw worthless pop shots, try this on for size. We have never used fear mongering as a weapon to get public support.

    And yes your government and people in power this is worse than Putin. I've never seen a country like yours even come close to the horrible stuff that's inflected upon its own people. MK utlra, mass chemical weapon testing on civilians just to name a few...

    But the biggest difference you're trying to compare a nation that build itself up exactly the same way you kicked the Indians out, and is in the past "freedom and equality for all, what's this Indians? No this can't do they have to go somewhere else" one of my fav quotes from a youtuber and he's American...

    What your country does now currently is much worse
  11. No we came to be a great nation by beating your ass, not bc of you.

    And mass chemical weapons testing on civilians? Sigh* get your tinfoil hats out people we have a conspiracy quack on the loose. I love most britians i meet and love our allies, all of them.
    Thats what most people forget when hating on their close friends in this world, when the next world war breaks out, and it will, we will be on the same side. Russia china and iran support terrorist nations,groups and activities and have for some time. Those are the true monsters of the world to name a few.

    America has its problems amd is embarasing at times but if you look at the power we achieved at one point i think its safe to say we could of been alot worse and a lot scarier.

    Put our military in the hands of Russia, china, iran or n korea and see what happens. We are a far less evil than what could be.
  12. Mk uktra was not mass chemical testing done on civilians. It was done on 149 subjects and was illegal brain altering experimentation done by a branch of the cia, wich was also investigated and shut down by our government. So to lump our whole nation in with an illegal test ran by a small group of extremists that was shut down once brought to light is silly
  13. The fact that you think the USA war of independence was 'won' shows how uneducated you are.

    It was not 'won', it was a draw, your independence was won, the war was not. You conveniently forgot to mention the Dutch, French and Spanish empires that supplied and fought with you.

    The British Empire was a trading empire first and foremost, it valued India far higher than the newly settled America. If it were the other way around, I'm sorry but the rebellion would have been utterly crushed.
  14. Same, support, ata pls fund
  15. A trading empire first? Lol. It invaded sovereign countries with force and ruled with an iron fist, took their resources and sent the money back home. Responsible for 150m deaths and treated India with abhorrence. You're deluded beyond belief and completely ignorant
  16. Why do people care about history that doesnt matter like the american independence thing, like there's nothing of value to be learned from it :lol:
  17. At first, I tried to take a side; and then I realized. Everyone is being stupid.
  18. The 13 colonies were Crown Colonies. India did not become a Crown Colony until 1858. Embarrassing that Brits don't know their own history.
  19. You do know there's physical prove of chemical weapons testing... Since you don't, the government wanted to see the effects of what would actually happen in a event of a real chemical attack on its own people, what did they do? They chemical attacked a unsuspecting town. Go and look it up its all there

    And it was two separate points not one, do you know anything about your country at all, it's shocking that I know more about it than you do.

    This message needs a special meantion it really does... You're just proving my point of your senseless fear mongering.
  20. Here's an interesting thought experiment: if gb became a state in the union and with free movement of people, which direction do you think people would go, and why?