Major Clans out there

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SpiritShadow, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. I got the she_ra ;)
  2. That is not true Spirit. We are a close knit group and good friends but I have never asked my clan to get involved in any of my personal battles. I'm sure there are few players out there who can confirm this. Other members of my clan have done so on many occasions as well. However if we need help we always have each others backs. No matter what the cost.

    Remember we are a clan for a reason but not because we are individually weak. Our individual strenghts, experiences, and skills make us what we are. We are KotFE.

  3. I personally had 2 one on ones today with two separate muppets. Nightmare 2. Muppets 0
  4. I wasn't trying to say that about everyone, dark. Just saying it about the vast majority, of which it is true.
  5.  so many KotFE posting on my thread 
  6. Bc? Excuses excuses man up
  7. I'd go 1 vs 1 anytime. But we all know it ain't no fun if the homies can't have none. This is a social networking/war game. Don't get butt hurt because our skills are greater than yours. I have friends that will fight to the end with me. If you don't, I suggest you get some new ones

    KotFE MaCHiNE
  8. In fairness the KAW description does say "...unite rival forces, against unspeakable evil...". Uniting forces is what everyone does. Because that's one of the points of the game. "join forces to form powerful clans..", again telling us to form clans for protection. This is a social skills game.
  9. Just started how do I jion a clan
  10. You press join clan. .___.
  11. First your not that smart . Cuz the zaft and ig and clan ban together to protect their members . And if you hit one expect all if you can't take on a clan then don't hit . If you want to hit that's what the battle list is for if you attack a clan expect them all .

    Nof said noob
  12. It's been mentioned, but yea just because you don't hear about 1v1s doesn't mean they don't happen, it just means the participants don't feel the need to announce it.
  13. I have 1v1s a lot. I just don't waste forum space about them.
  14. I agree. Far more often than not, people take it to the clan rather than solve it diplomatically or duke it out 1 v 1 (although I understand if you're outsized by like 4:1).

    But the kingdoms that get clans involved over somebody 1/3 their size hitting them 6 times? Wimps at their finest.

    But also, often times other clan members jump in when the person involved doesn't need/want help. I understand the protective nature, but do you think your clannie cannot handle it alone or are you just looking for an easy win to make your ego bigger?