Majesty, You're doing it wrong

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by J3abys-In-J3lack, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. shut up lord thats the point and why I changed mine
  2. 250 ally slots is under the assumption that you haven't gone through any of the LC resets. this concept has already been written about in other threads though
  3. Tell noobs if they post open on wc they get unlimited gold. xD
  4. xD check wc announcement
  5. I think
    U must be a farmer if u want to be in top 50 of wars won
  6. Whats a noob? All I know is that it rhymes with Boobies!
  7. Noo-ohhhhhh.... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. When I upgraded my castle, it let me add 250 allies per castle lvl. Read through the post on the glitch between iPhone vs pc. I did it and it worked.