Madness Unleashed - FEEDBACK AND CHAT

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Jun 28, 2011.

  1. I'm confused! What does noone mean?
  2. ****. You ne'er really said the environment...I was thinking a school environment, I should've known it would involve being kidnapped, hunted, something of that sort.
  3. Feather, when was the last time I used one specific environment?
  4. Idk...but seriously what does noone mean?
  5. Noone... It means "no one". That's it. That's all it means. Nobody
  6. That's not how you spell no one. The so called word "noone" isn't a real word at all.
  7. But... You just shattered everything I ever learned in elementary school.

    *head explodes*
  8. Great but gets confuzzling with all the people.
    -Bangs head on table-
  9. Great Job post more please!
  10. ;) who were the three in the park. My character and then who else? I need to understand the others powers more I guess...
  11. The three were...

    Melanie - controls water
    Ariel - pushes things away from her
    Stargorey - changes what people see
  12. Are you using my guy? Or did Feather pull you away?

    Just curious :?
  13. Sorry >.< who was your guy?
  14. Starlov, necromancer teleporter. Bio was a bit iffy. If you want I can change it. You should look at the sign up thread. :roll:
  15. Well, I can't exactly put him in if he can't use necromancy without teleporting, and he cant teleport without using necromancy...

    Please redo his powarZ >.<
  16. Ugh...two names with star ;(
  17. He can draw memories from others and these as a beam of plasma.

    I'm sorry if this is a rip of someone but I have no idea that someone has this power.
  18. I'm ok to change if that's too strong.