Machines and kotfe

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by -Bean-, Aug 30, 2015.

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  1. Ther Terminators.
  2. no they are not pineapple. i saw your origional 1st comment and so did everybody else.
  3. Don't backpedal. If you wanna say something then say it and stand behind it even if everyone here thinks you are a raging moron and an insufferable kiss ass. I'm with them don't get me wrong but at least show some backbone.
  4. They are a bunch of dweebs that cannot handle reality......
  5. What kinda bomb are you?
    Oh, a dud.
  6. Hahahahahahaha.

    Imagine kaw brings back resets after everyone starts buying reset bombs.
  7. I was just wondering the same thing. About the "machine" name tag. Was going to make a thread 'cause I was legitimately curious then saw this one. I'm a noob though. Pls dun hurt me 
  8. Was the question answered? I'm too lazy to check.
  9. Maxine's and kooty still 0-2 vs zaft? What's a "fire emblem"?

  10. I'm sorry but in your mind did this seem like a legit insult? Honestly, you just made yourself look like a complete idiot :lol:

    It's good to see fury is still on the LB, oh wait 
  11. Hey oli baby glad to you're active still...if only on forums tho

  12. Actually thought you were inactive, seeing as you never hit back, and only deleted my wall posts. How was your week in Facebook smackin them HTE's mate? Doin what you do best
  13. I'm a proud citizen in uk democracy. To be referred to as a machine (you can check Wikipedia if you need definition) would be against all my beliefs. Only society structure in last 100 years to support machine ethic is nazi and North Korea . Personally I think devs should report all machine members to authorities as either Isis or neo nazi terrorist threat
  14. Fill gaps in last post with Germany's political party in 1940 s
  15. Lol initially kaw banned word "nazi" then auto allowed it
  16. Lol initially kaw banned the word "nazi" then allowed !!!! Go figure
  17. I accept that a lot of people that play this game must be unemployed or bored or generally lacking purpose in rl but to tag them as machines seems beyond cruel to me. Strange game and strange mentality
  18. Oh my god, Roni's cousin plays kaw too^
  19. You really had to compare a real life social/labour/economic history to the word Machines? A word that basically means mechanical power.

    Maybe you should not have a car, or anything with moving metal parts.

    And throw away any copies of the terminator you have. That socialist propaganda machine documentary could get you in real trouble...
  20. Re: Machines and kotfe who cares . Woopdee doo

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