keep your lies up todd i even made a mockery of you on my 1/3 your stats account . you self 0'd yourself to avoid the inc. pain show some more fails from todd .seeing as hes pretending he was owning us
Lookee at me achievements I been doing the event while farming you and 2 other clans and a few PvPs thrown in there too Just because you can't walk and chew gum at the same time don't think I can't
A.D.H.D versus ultimatRobinHood part 2 + 3 A.D.H.D versus deadly maniacs . Weapons of fate / wof versus true spartans WOF versus dragons elite .the strippers club versus los and blood orchid. kotfe assassins versus good vs evil. the monsters versus accoustic sunrise .
lol and your acct isn't 1/3 the size you drama queen it's more like half and you're an Att build most my stats are spy. like I said you idiots aren't the only ones I'm fighting. But seriously there only like 3-4 people in your clan returning inc.
and i would take over this thread entirelly if i was to list all the pvp ive done and what clans ive fighted alone . to be honest im the essence of what being a machine is all about lol but that is another thread. ill leave it with you when i retire from kaw .
Critically acclaimed runner why u guys Even communicating with runi the fury runner critically acclaimed runi the runner
ok lol ...if you want to claim that I'll let u have it But your delusional (with your 50 something forums posts ...most the time you're too scared to talk on forums) lol ...but yeah Roni would easily be no1 if there was a loud mouth LB lol (you're really proud of that?)
Pffft you think you are getting at me lmao, you don't know me very well or you'd know this is just me being me. Not a thread I'll post on unless I get to be this way
_jupiter another bandwagon jumper who wasnt even a part of the osw . not in apoc at all. yet he used try lecture us who were fighting .
Critically acclaimed runi is mad lmao. Everyone will remember u as the fury runner u chicken runi the runner lolz