I used 20 hornets in the last eb by mistake. My regen timer stopped at less than one minute for over 4 minutes. I had a clock. Weird.
This EB concept is interesting , need to try it and I'll say more. Also, I haven't chucked at the devs hilarity in awhile, the Obama pic was epic. GG Dev crew Btw very nice to see kaw_Creative still around ️
I love this event. I waited until the clan only had to drop 1 more, and the clan was about to kick me, then, as they were advertising, I opened it and got a full bar in there before anyone noticed. Got the 2 regular rings, and 25 psmis or whatever the **** they are lol
But it freaking sucks balls I'll need 1100 psism to fully upgrade them 2 to max. Good call on no fails tho
Lol I just read that kaw_admin quoted me on page 3 I'm a celeb! #YeepYeep #Shoutouttomyparents #nstopaskingfor10,000dollarsidontknowyouwhatareyoudoingstopputitawayahhhhpleasehelpahhhh
I really like how they're upfront about the Equipment's stats this time around before the event starts.
@ Kaw_Admin/Community/Creative How many lines of coke can you afford to snort per night with the $ you get off these events?
That much psion in this small amount of time O.O is that even possible to get that much and be able to swarm every time?