Lure of the Hive

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Quick update everyone. While Emerald Hornets will stop dropping as of 12PM PDT today, you'll continue to be able to use any Hornet Swarms you have in the Lure of the Hive EB until Monday at noon PDT.

    Additionally, if you have uncombined Emerald Hornets, you'll be able to combine them by completing the Lure of the Hive event with others. (This EB will now reward you with 1 Emerald Hornet to make your hornets swarm)

    Any unused Emerald Hornets or Hornet Swarms will be removed on Monday after the event ends.
  2. Worst event so far?
  3. last Chance to use SWARM and get your ring
    Need help. Join us and use your swarm.
  4. I thought unused hornets will form a seal of the damned
  5. Now it's over change the remaining hornets into to psion so players can upgrade

    1 swarm. = 100 psion
    500 hornets = 10 psion
  6. The Lure of the Hive event is now over. We hope you managed to achieve your goals.
  7. Sad, I don't think anyone hardly achieved their "goals" smh, yet another fail on devs part.
  8. Devs should show some love give everyone 50-100 poison .that would be sweet
  9. Master_Yup

    I have all rings maxed, 1k extra psion, and 11k hornets remaining.

    I achieved the goal.... Days ago
  10. We where promise 10poison drops but only received 5 till end of event please look in this.
  11. Or how about you actually read the thread so you don't make stupid comments
  12. Watching you putting your lips together to devs rear end is so much more fun. :)
  13. I have 260 psion and 2 rings at lvl 10 please tell me I can use this for something else??? Or just give me the third ring.. 
  14. Give us a way to BUY psion for a limited time


    Turn back on the promo of drops in HTE with actual "enhanced" psion drops. 5 psion is NOT enhanced by anyone's idea
  15. Ya bring it back into hte. At least it's something we can look forward to when we buy seals
  16. YES,
    Devs give us a psion promo in HTE and RWB.
  17. Bump for my fave post of all time
  18. Damn it terra! Thought this finally had news about the psion sitting in my inventory...
    Still though, worthwhile post to necro.