Lure of the Hive

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. Please fix psion drops, pleaaaase. There's no way I'm going to upgrade my rings to 10 by the 19th, and spy builds are getting it sooo easy!
  2. Wtf! My 1000 hornets r not turning into a swarm!
  3. Ok in the beginning i thought this was a good idea, but now i see it is awful. I will take a collecting promo over this anyday.
  4. I've been around a while, and seen the new event stuff come and fail, come and be moderately successful and have yet to see something blow us away. Thank you for continuing to improve the ideas, I think a lot of us don't appreciate the trial and error process, but there is a few things that didn't make me want to have our clan running around wc asking for swarms or buying Hte seals for better hornet drops and such. The eq has improved and I like that everyone has an equal chance at eq, but if you aren't active and doing a "few" swarms a day from now till end, you won't get it I don't mind waiting half a year to upgrade something like we used to before, but having the upgrades end on the day the promo ends is kinda sad...I mean...I took me two years for hlbc, and I don't mind's the way the game is, but taking away pensions at end of event will make those rings not enchanted fully kinda useless compared to rings we already have. I don't like that part, it may have been better to make the drops more rare and have them upgraded by inferno/aqua like always. I know you can't please everyone, and this promo is certainly a step above the others...But seriously, at 5 Psion per drop it's not worth it for me to even try at this point, since I just relogged in today and there is 9 days left in promo... So for many swarm ebs per day? At 5 Psion per? Makes no sense....pick an eb that will continue to drop after promo, or come up with another promo that uses Psion...And let us know it's coming...cause right now I'm not going for it on this event and won't unless I can get my stuff upgraded...
  5. Support to gamma
  6. support to support of tacky :shock:
  7. Gamma has reason....with this rate of psions dropped is very difficult to enchant rings until level 8+ to they were better than actual can see that i have swarm ring in level 7,with 8 days ill never get the next put two options(both by paid-hte with seals and wars with xtals) and a free form? to get the psions that rings need...ironic but true...give other chances too...kaw world are all players,who can spend and who cant...or at least try to probe all that you implement in game to see that players dont complain for least me...and many others that i have read...
  8. There was a free form. Until devs purposely adjusted it twice and added psion hte. They went out of their way to mess with it because people, mostly spy builds,were able to do the event without pay to play at an acceptable rate. You'll never get a response to think from the puppet coward kaw_community, though. Some ******* community go between that joke turned out to be.
  9. Yup i agree with you...and i know that they never will answer this kind of problems...but i put them for their notification....
  10. Is a good thing going in to promo but pu a special on sale for gamers to want the product. In this case the equipment.
    Information is great but higher stats
    Could have being a little better. Just my opinion......
  11. Damn, I remember a simpler jaw time
  12. [​IMG]

    Do Honey Bee Swarms count? Lol
  14. This is crazy. I made a alt and my alt is a hansel build. The first loth eb i did i got all 3 rings and 205 psion. Its so stupid i wasn't even happy, I'm never gonna use alt as much as
  15. This account and feel that you should raise psion drop for atk builds.
  16. Pls continue to drop psions after the hive/hornets event. They are like scrolls from SS or TS that require months to collect. It is also different from previous hunts because you need to do other ebs (takes time) to collect enough hornets/swamp to run the hive eb.Thks
  17. Wolverine....full support.
  18. Support for Robin. Please extend event time period. This will make many happy and they will feel like spending more $$. some will not be able to upgrade even one ring, like myself. If so, this will make us lose hope in any event as we are hardly trying and we still unable to achieve our goal. As a result, some might give up and quit!
  19. This event is mor tepid then others. Not to talk about that every event with u have made is for players wit high stats who can do fast and big eb's and get mor items then small players. So from what I see you as described don't even care about new and small players, so you don't care about increasing number of ppl who would like to play this game to. Then good work you are doing good and you should do even mor so small players would leave at all.