So I have a swarm ring, yey! But am I right in saying I need 1000 psion to make it 10? If this is the case then if need to do 200 hive EBs? Assuming the drop rate is not random and is in fact 5 psion everytime. This means creating 200 swarms, created with 200,000 hornets. Assuming I was hitting a reasonable EB with decent activity I could get enough hornets to make a swarm every 4 EBs in 4hrs or so. Therefore I would need to do around 800 EBs taking 800 hours and I can't do the hive eb b2b. There are 168 hours in a week. This event lasts 4 weeks right? So when do I sleep?
Please put the drop rate of Psion higher my eyes are starting to bleed trying to level up my ultra rare ring wich in fact is not so rare
Poison drops are fine. You just have to do the eb and HTE over and over and over and over and over and over ... And over and over again. I almost have swarm ring level 10. Never had above a 50 psion drop
Everyone arguing on psion drop rate but. Look at war drop rate. 100 hornets for effectively 3 hours if you win. I'm not a serious war player but if I was I wouldn't stand a chance not enough hornets and no psion drops???
I got 1k pission now drop swarm ring for me. Stupid devs improve drop rate useless if we worked so hard for nothing. Feather n eggs were better atleast we had a goal and then we got the equipment. Not like here where only drops for spies. Improve the swarm ring DROP FOR ATTACK BUILDS
I just used 2 hornets by mistake during item phase of hive eb and they were not returned after starting the app