Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm (Updated)

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. I dont even have any ring yet...
  2. Oooo no surprise they went to go kiss Apheriun's ass 
  3. Stop being so hateful.
  4. No. Devs need to fux game bugs! There is no prioritization except "Money, Money, Money, Money..." If this wasn't true don't you think they would denied that by now? Perhaps tell us what is actually going to happen and changes going to be made? Yet we play this game getting as bad as Battlefield 4 on release with hundreds of bugs...and devs ignore it. Either that, or they don't care about it because they know they will make thousands of dollars regardless. Fix the game bugs please 
  5. But if you don't max out the rings you get now you can never upgrade them again after the event. So what's the point? Plus to max out those rings is a ridicules amount of that scion stuff.
  6. Thedragonrider needs to read through the Lure of the Hive forum page 9, or so. Devs said as long as you have the psion you can enchant the rings, promo or not(my paraphrase). Stop spamming forums with false information please.
  7. Dowling he is actually right. Not enough psion by the end of the event = Never enchanted to level 10, ever.
  8. Just wanna earn more money in HTE you poor devs
  9. Looks like i made the wrong judgement when this promo started.The Cash Cow has now been brought into play,it didnt take as long as i thought.What was a clan unity promo has again degenerated into another pay to win equip i had hopes for this promo but with the drop rates for psion and now this,HTE cow,its another failure.
  10. Yes CondUa, such a failure.
  11. Was wondering how long it would take for devs to show there colors and now the hive eb will drop less and hte will drop more way to go devs "freakin unbelieveable"
  12. Lol devs you are too greedy finding ways to promote htewhy not pission(psion) drop from other ebs then 
    And increase drop of rings for power builds I still waiting for mine 
  13.  why you don't give seals so we can do hte? Can't remember when i got a seal from ebs. 
  14. Hi kaw community.,why the drop in emerald hornets in destroyer?or have the swarms changed to another eb? We dont get much in long destroyers btw ty
  15. I just got the swarm ring... This is a game-changer... I was going to just upgrade honeycomb ring... But... Idk I wish I didn't get it it just complicated things... Eh
  16. Anyone worked out the next eb that drops yet?
  17. Btw congrats string on your new jewelry 
  18. I agree, this eb event has turned into crap, nobody has much chance to fully upgrade what they "might" get for drops, if any drops at all. Go back to the drawing board devs, yet another FAIL
  19. Try again DEVS your not helping yourselves when all you want to do is take our money and give us crap drops.
  20. Make rings enchantable after event using aqua only devs