Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Yeah change psion drops so everyone gets lv10 ring!!! It will be so special to own it
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Developers...Thanks for this Epic Battle and hunt. Have to say been playing for a small time and really like this. Also, are the Attack builds ever going to be able to obtain the Ultra Rare Ring? Really, want to obtain it, but have only managed to obtain one ring through out the course of this event. In addition have done numberous Epic Battles of Lure of the Hives and only managed to obtain 5 Psion on each. Would really appreciate it, if attack builds would have a chance to get this amazing equipment in my opinion that you guys came up with. Thanks, for reading this King-Arthurs-Corp.
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Shift the spy advantage over atk builds in this event. Sincerely, a spy
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Question after event will unused poison go away or stay perm
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Yeah change the eb we run. Ignore inequalities in drops to different builds. Ignore the fact that most players are complaining about the number of psion per drop. One step at a time i guess...
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Since when did hornets become so intelligent? Normally they aren't so smart and stay in one place so I can kill with a fly swatter... :lol:
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm Well if devs didn't change ebs they drop from people would be complaining about doing br for 3 weeks straight.
Re: Lure of the Hive - The Shifting Swarm We at secret service only run the lame eb in between our scheduled rotation. We figured that equipment not worth loss of gold plus to enchant the ring to max is crazy you'd hv to do a few hundred hive ebs. Do your regular rotation n buy a allie you'll get better stats n can resell the allie n profit. Happy kawing everyone