Lure of the Hive - Rancor Bonus Event

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Kaw devs, you are trying to "increase" the chance of getting Psions, but how about to do that fairly? Many including myself cannot participate in these wars because of ineffective build or being small. However, if you extend the time period of the hive event, it will give fair and equal CHANCE to all participants.
  2. Saddest part is I look at my profile and the section where it holds the speakers also holds MONTHS of Promo useless items. Months devs.....Months. Can we get 1 promo for PvP. Not EE or anything. Give back to those xstals blasting, 400 member family stripping, take away your Kingdom on Kingdoms at War OsW Veterans. When Devs.....WHEN???
  3. No support.
  4. @War , so? It can be both, since they've created Ebs! Means that this Ebs game, too
  5. @sexy, TOTALY agree;)
  6. Devs, combining two fails (Primal wars + Hive event) does not make a success.
  7. This would all be fine if they were no exploits ^
  8. No support. I cannot war during week due to work and for people like me this does NOT help.
    Raise the psion drop from EVERYTHING if your going do try stuff like this. Smfh
  9. Oh look. Devs adding more promos. Instead of improving their ******* game.
  10. No support. It is not worth the effort of watching the screen for an Eb that last 15 second and drop sweet f a.
  11. More rewards for stacking

    Awesome job as usual
  12. So basically the devs are trying to increase participation in these primal wars by doing this. No support.
  13. increase psion drop on hive and hte and please include rotwb :D and maybe all eb lol
    No support cuz i want indi war than primal war
    bring back iwar pleaseeeeeee
  14. Indi war was a blast
  15. No support whatsoever. End this hunt seriously what a waste
  16. Wth i have lvl 1 rancor and only got 5 psion from LOTH
  17. @beastdog
    First of all rancor doesn't give you extra drop. Second ee helps with the drops but does not give you more