luky drop from FOD

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IDS_zachmighty_IDS, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. Noo-noo-noo-noob rage :lol:
  2. No one cares, and doesn't sound like its really that lucky anyways.
  3. When making a thread remember to spell things right, especially in the title.
  4. OP you are arguably the greatest eb noob of all time
  5. Want to know how to upload pictures to forums? Listen below

    First download photobucket, it's free to download: [​IMG]
    Then sign your self up and register your self them go to settings: [​IMG]
    Make sure to put the upload pixels to 320/320:
    Then choose your own picture you either want to download: either upload from album or take picture: [​IMG]
    Then choose your pictures and upload them, now on this screen press the info button: [​IMG]
    Then press the IMG link 4th section: [​IMG]
    And go to forums and copy/paste it here and it'll upload perfect ;)

    happy kawing
  6. I want everyone on this thread to shut up. I've just checked his history and he did indeed get what he said he did. And Troll, who the **** are you to question someone on a fact they know is true?
  7. And hi Zach, long time no talk.
  8. Merlyn your kinda rude 
  9. That's not a big deal, this thread should be locked
  10. Op steals 26/26/7
    Get some more pots
  11. Lol all this hate and not enough love!
  12. What do you mean? This plenty of love :lol:
  13. Pics or it didn't happen. 12/12/0 stls
  14. 9* dropped to 7 at end though 