luky drop from FOD

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IDS_zachmighty_IDS, Nov 2, 2012.

  1. :lol:

    I'm dyin ๎’

  2. Op op gangnam style!
  3. And there it goes ...๎Ž
  4. How does one obtain this so-called 'asslym' sword?
  5. Of course im dtw i spent all of my money so no one could take it
  6. DTW doesn't mean banking your gold :roll:
  7. I ment Abyssal blade
  8. This is when a hit later list comes in handy. U cant stay pinned forever op
  9. Ya'll are stupid no lifes who need to find a life (idc if u attack me ur all dumb people if u attack me)
  10. Uh oh guys... We got a bad ass here๎„‡
  11. Look whose talking, posting on forums of something we don't care about
    You wanted attention right? Here you go :lol:
  12. Cool story bro.

  13. Also, I suggest you learn how to spell "lucky"

    Not "luky"
  14. I type fast and sometimes skip over letters by accident
  15. Why? Because of the excitement of getting a drop that some people got too? :roll:
  16. Now this is funny