Buy or do those nobility point offers and get to 50 nobs to open 5, best and easiest way tbh, I usually do the offers myself.
Tsk Tsk you used the F word "fair". I am always amazed at the people in KaW and that use the Internet in general that they just don't get the fact that if you aren't paying for a product, YOU are the product. ATA went years with bad monetization plans and missed buckets of money, now they are swinging the other direction and trying to wring every last sickle from every player. Sales, "free nobs", social linking, promos that require pay to win... All are part of a business plan. Each person needs to find the level of pay they are comfortable with and stop whining and begrudging those with deeper pockets. A no pay player should NOT get the same rewards or chance that a pay player gets. But a pay player should still have to work for rewards and drops and not be able to take shortcuts and use exploits. And a free player should be able to earn decent rewards through dedication and activity. So if you don't use FB or Twitter (awesome choice btw) don't expect stuff you don't "pay" for
I haven't had the chance to open a lucky fortune box because i haven't gotten one yet but its a wonderful new idea and i am glad to see ATA once again doing what they can to give back to the Community and i am sure it will be a success no matter how rare they are to aquire.
Or we can be negative all day everyday and put those around us down for being cheerful and friendly because we have such a horrible life that that's the only way we can find some sort of sick, delusional form of comfort and joy. Keep keeping on KMS.
Sorry if I'm not particularly loving towards the devs who have come out with maybe 2 'big' changes to the game in the last 6 months