LSAElite clan.....

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LHL_LegendaryHobbs_LHL, Oct 24, 2013.

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  1. As "pretend" warriors I hope still enioy playing this game because I sure still do. You let your anger do all the talking and now you see how us "pretend" warriors do the talking in your newsfeed.

  2. As someone who had a problem with you over a much older war (referencing Zerg v idd) where you called a member of Zerg stupid while fighting in Zerg. I have had no respect for you since then. Yet at that point everyone stood up for you. Told me I was wrong. The day you messed with Dan was a joy for me. I didn't care why. I see you in ca and it makes me smile.

    You're a crap player with a big mouth and an arrogant attitude. It's not my decision if you get your cf or not. But until I get told not to hit you. Well. You're staying my third or fourth favorite target
  3. OP it's fake gold and it's a game let them farm just hit ebs from pin and bank gold
    Never apologize for being insulted
    Next time stand your ground
     gl
  4. Respect to LSA, they don't mess around 
  5. Yeah op, take it from someone who knows, the eb noob above says you should hit ebs 
  6. ^ Talking about me?
  7. Nope, meant for end seeker.

    I hope you aren't trying to intimidate me though 
  8. No, I was legitimately wondering :lol:
  9. Lol nope, was talkin to the 11m cs eb noob with 100k spy defense that is telling op to self pin on ebs the whole time 
  10. @ Jimlsa -

    You seemed to be very justified in having an entire clan of pure spies farm an attack build..... Lol. Key word is farm. Attacking you all back is, let's face it, your farmer pure spies, not worth my time and the reason I have not retaliated in quite a long time. Keep flexing that muscle, I appreciate it!

    And, if you read correctly above, I already admitted I'm a hot head. Anyone who has been to war already knows this... I also apologized as well but, you failed to mention that part.

    It is nice to see an intelligent post from LSA. Usually it's coldasshonkeylsa posting ridiculous things about female Anatomy, or using very harsh slurs.


    Let's face it, you all at LSA will not stop farmin me, cause that's what you do, farm.

    Interesting how I have followed your leader time and time again, yet no response. I have had countless people from various clans reach out to him as well, with some interesting responses.
  11. @Sky

    Glad to see ya! Glad to see your in the right place too, as holding grudges in your clan of farmers seems to be one of your key values.

    Realize the IDD/Zerg war was.... A year or two ago. Get over it and move on. Everyone else has, and I have great friends from both Zerg and IDD from that war. Lol I couldn't even tell you who I called "Stupid"

    Does that mean I should hold grudges for years on you pal coldasshonkeylsa for the rather descriptive words? That lasted about two weeks before i decided your all really not worth it and moved on...

    Get over it
  12. I fought LSA twice. The first time was durinh the zerg/IDD war. I fought hobbs in that war also so I speak from experience when commenting here.

    LSA is a clan full of pure, potless spies. They have nothing to lose so why not just hit whoever whenever? You can't strip them. They pay garbage and pots can't be burned if they have none.

    Hobbs can't win against a clan such as this. In order to defeat an ememy you have to hurt them, take something away from them, weaken them. Not possible in this situation. Sooo hobbs, after being farmed for a couple months by a whole clan. ( Idk 12 people ) apologizes.

    There LSA. Move on. You've made your point. You've made him drop build, you've dented his ego. There is fresh meat out there for you to devour. Stop fighting over hobbs's bones.

    I am curious though. Why is a whole clan farming 1 player because 1 of their members got into a disagreement with another non clan member? Seems to me it should have been a 1 v 1 from the get.
  13. LSA please stay off of this thread as of now. We've no need to take a step back to the 'trash talking' phase. Thats done and over with.

    Lets just do what we do..

    Just let this be said:


    - Cold said some rude **** to Hobbs. Yes, no one is calling that a lie.

    - Hobbs talked **** to multiple LSA members on different occassions, and the only reason you didn't get swarmed earlier was because my team respects my wishes, and as your friend I protected you.

    - After your run-in with Cold you decided to tell me how to run my clan, and after I've shown that I made my decision, and was going to support my clanmate, you insisted are trying to deface LSA's reputation by saying that we "advocate racism and descrimination".

    - When people are fueled by anger they often say things that they may not mean (or mean, but not use the words by their dictionary definition), you yourself, along with myself are both at fault for this.

    -When you originally had a problem with any LSA members, if you truely cared about our friendship you would've came to my PM, where I always have an open door policy and spoke to me about it. You bypassed our relationship, and took straight to KaW forums, WHEN WE WERE ON THE SAME SIDE, to verbally (well, written.. but you get the point) attack my clanmates.

    So all in all, even now obviously you're upset at the situation. I've heard your (I think 8) friends whine in my PM to let you walk, but it seems that they are the ones who are thinking more rationally in the moment than you are.

    You know my members dont like you now, I think that is common knowledge, but prior to this thread you only attempt at ending this fued as been to erase the comments off of your wall..

    Hobbs.. saying that we're "farmer pure spies not worth your time, keep flexing" etc etc.. Do you think this is helping or hurting your case? (Rhetorical question, I wont be commenting again.) The truth is, prior to being hit BY LSA, you HIT LSA, even after all the fires I had to put out to let you continue to play the way you were. You can say what you want about us being "cowardly pure spies" or whatever, this isn't news, we've heard it all before. We've been a pure warspy clan in constant OSW for almost 3 years now.

    At the end of the day, whether pure spy or attack build, small or large, we're all idiots playing a tappity tappity game on our phones. The only thing that makes us different are the words we use to express ourselves and voice our opinions - and yours insulted and defaced (or attempted to) the reputation that my team have fought very hard and long for.

    As for the current farming, I just find it hard to justify a reason to stop. I was hoping this thread would be a solve-the-problem-and-go-our-seperate-ways thread, but even here you are filling your comments with snotty remarks (even taking shots at Cold meanwhile he has been respectful enough to stay off of the thread).

    We are in the WDGAF/ZAFT/LSA vs Yadayadayada war (the biggest war in KaW history). So stop saying "entire clan on 1 person". We haven't even given you 20% of the hits we're dishing out. So honestly give it a rest. There hasn't been less than 5 people in our CA since the beginning of this war, and the guy who dropped build isn't top priority believe it or not. He is taking occasional hits at best.

    I dont need an apology, I am not mad. I dont get mad over KaW, I play it as a game. I'm disappointed that you put our friendship aside and disrespected LSA then got upset when someone had something rude to say back.. My clanmates deserve the apology. Not me.

    Your old buddy,

  14. Omega, nice to finally hear from you.

    I've only been trying to reach you for quite some time lol. A follow would be courteous.

    As to your comments....

    Cold staying off this forum is only because you have told him I'm sure. And yes I was angry over his comments that were in fact quite harsh, he deserves all the karma that he will get. I make no apologies over that my friend.

    You can claim to be in any war you would like old buddy but at the end of the day, it's your decision and your decision alone to continue to farm me. Unlike cold though, I am apologizing to you over escalating the issue further after the osw ended. It should have stayed 1 vs 1, cause lets face it, had I called you those same things that he said that do advocate racism and prejudice, you would have immediately started farming.

    Yes all "eight" of my friends reached out to you to try to end it peacefully and without issue, but do you really think this forum helps your case or hurts it? You think it hurts my case, and it may, but I can live with that. I will not however apologize to cold over the things he has said.

    At the end of the day, I just want this nonsense over. I've torn down. You win.

    Now leave me be.

    Last post or not omega, the decision is yours. Let's see you be the bigger man now.
  15. I have to say that It is sad to see friends fighting. I agree. Hobbs can go off on people, but at the same time I believe that if people really want to get past a problem they can work together to get over it. That is what friendship is.

    @omega. I requested that u stop farming hobbs and move I am sorry to see that you took my request to cease fire between 2 of my friends as whining. It just goes to show that even as u write a good post u can easily offend others.

    Both sides talked a whole bunch of ****. Hobbs continues to do so in these posts with backhanded apologies, but friends treat each other as equals. Not as u r doing omega. U r talking through who has the power.

    I hate posting these threads because I know that I have offended someone by what i just wrote. All because I can't articulate my feelings of brotherhood between Hobbs and omega. I love and respect both of u guys but if u don't value each others friendship or of those friends who try to help..... By all means keep trashing each other
  16. Just retire, reset your main and use a alt to float around the forums. Trust me, retirement is great man. No more stressing about fangs, making war times or help funding strips in osw. You just chill and go with the flow
  17. Pup your straight an idiot hitting ebs while in pin aloud him to save up an strip farm if you want a 1v1 let's go I've faced ZAFT members stronger than you and strip them clean do u want to be next you lil 7m cs crap talker trust
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