First. Dans insults against the French. In a topic about lLC. Are directed at lLC. Tfk has not been our enemy not have we insulted you. Second. Read his post before you support him. He isn't fighting us. Second. Zerg is not our main clan. Every war we do someone threatens Zerg. Zerg is capable of defending itself well in almost any situation. Third. Anyone who wishes to see exactly what happens when we recieve a direct threat. Omega doesn't have you blocked. So please. Tell him exactly what you plan to do to us over insulting a clan with no alliances to any of the posters except their shared culture By the way. Daily people insult middle eastern people. I'm Jewish. Do you see me gathering all my friends too kill every dolt who insulted the whole group while he really ment one. And before you say middle easterners aren't Jews. Do your research. Their descended from half brothers. And they live in the Middle East. Even saying Arabs includes Jews. Saying Muslim insults just them but is also wrong. Name the group you mean. This time Dan messed up. He should have been clear in meaning only lLC. However. He didn't. If you want to get pissy. Remember while your clan has my respect on kaw. France and its descendents are not a majority. And I garuentee if we play this game we can find a French player who has insulted Catholics or Muslims or Chinese people. Then what. You gonna go to war with all of them too. No. That would be illogical and unlikely. I apologize for dans incorrect statement. I mend it to make it clear everything about the French he said here was about lLC as "the french". Not all French people. I congratulate you all supporting your friend in his defense of his culture. And point out he hasn't started fighting. So you simply are supporting the defense of the culture. Therefore. With what I just said it should be over Now let this dam thread die so omega doesn't have to lock it
Wow. **** you. Llc called me stupid american several times. Let this thread die and show me wats up because so far i aint impressed.
And btw when zerg said to bang it out it was about my 1v1 with tommygunz wich he cant hold. LMFAO yeah a real badass. I dont care bring your friend tommy he can be my foot stool.
Yeah tommy talks a good rap... and when he realizes he has me right where i want him... he gets friends... then he and friends fight innocents instead of me... who tommy started a 1v1 with.. me.
The name Alaguerre says it all? Hi Mirs GD brunoIl ne manque plus que js. Tres patriote ce mec GD en osw zaft/uc Zidane y va marquerZidane y va marquerCoup de boule coup de boule La France contre reste du monde Enfants de la patriiieeeeeeeee___ieux
You all can "support" all you want i dont care. I am here. Everything else is blah blah blah. So far im not impressed with kotf. I wasnt impressed with those who tried to help llc either. BRING IT!!!!
on reconnais bien la le petit Lu sinon moi aussi j peut insulter tout le monde et après dire que j insultais seulement Omega ! d ailleur si il arrivais a s auto-fellationner , il en dirais beaucoup moins des conneries et en plus il serais moins frustré
Anyone who knows LSA knows we aren't stupid. We wouldn't run to our "main clan" the second we left LSA. Duh, what do you take us for? A bunch of idiots? Lol, Zerg is an ally clan and a very capable one at that. Messing with LSA is one thing, but hitting a clan that was not involved in an OSW shows just how pathetic and desperate you are. You're grasping at straws. Wow. Wah Wah Wah about insulting your "race" let me tell you something. That's life, grow up. This is a war game. The French have a HUGE talk but a small walk. That's history, the only war the French ever won was against themselves. And you know what's funny? I'm French. Lol
Wich btw mine was mocked several times by llc. Does anybody remember world chat during the olympics?? Where was your osw against everyone talking smack about france or any country for that matter.
*Grabs a straw and makes a shank out of it* You should choose your words more carefully. Be awful to have to eat through a straw the rest of your life.