LSA Declares War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GuardianAngel, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. The only thing I'm going to say is we fight who we want when we want, everyone here talking ****, what happened an LSA member kick your ass so come here to disrespect them, the only ymm member worth warring is motley crue cmf!! And there are only a few others that we have warred that have earned my respect and they know who the are..
  2. For everybody that begged for an update and for llc too...

    Update: Never have i seen a clan talk soo much smack, and lay down soo hard. End update.
  3. I doubt anyone asked for an update.
  4. Read the other 60 pages
  5. I did.

    I always need closure. Looks as if LSA rolled over the **** talkers in that other clan...

    ...what was their name again?
  6. Les lapins cretans
  7. Any updates on the war?
  8. A.k.a. **** talkin crybaby noob fucks
  9. I can tell you we have done strips... doing more... recieved alot of cries about being picked on LOL and still waiting on the apology on imp's wall from alkybag22 and i can tell you we are deffinately winning (as expected) but they really did ask for it.
  10. Ok.. now members of llc are trying to claim some kind of victory here. Pfft. ****. The only victory they can celebrate is we did finally get bored. And boring it was.....
  11. Never have i seen a more big mouth ***** clan talk that much ****, cry that loudly, and lay down that hard for that long while we ***** slap them...
  12. Just to start talking **** again as soon as we let them off the ground. A truly pathetic sight i must say...
  13. Llc you are an embarrassment to this game and you are exactly the perfect example of why the world sees the french as weak...
  14. Keep up your talking.... i have all your tracks down in my black book. Im not going anywhere and maybe your mouths will once again bite off more than you can chew... and you can cry somemore how you were bullied by the smaller spy who backs up his ****.
  15. Any particular reason this needed bumped? Or why you needed 4 different posts to get your point across?
  16. Until then just take safety in knowing that if somebody wants to fight you you can lay down and know that being the biggest ***** clan in kaw that they will surely get bored too.
  17. Particular reason yes. Read it and you will figure it out.
  18. It's basic trash talk. And you needed 5 posts to talk trash to a clan? Cause that seems legit.