LSA Declares War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GuardianAngel, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Asks if OP is going PS, while OP is PS.

    I also ask questions when the answer is written before me.
  2. I dont see use if in thread if I honest bud. All it is to either, get your name out there again or for attention. No other possible reason why u would try humiliate enemy clan
  3. Sorry, guess you can't hit me. Person found dtw
  4. Yeah WAR! Fun times ahead for all
  5. Haha iMaster, mithing up now?
  6. Been mithed up, hitting an epic bigger than my stats allow. Only have an hour left on these mith spells. Sorry to let you down, you don't scare me.
  7. So wait a clan full of pure spies without allies and oodles of naked people are going to OSW? Where is the fun in that? You've nothing to lose. The whole fun of OSW is the risk of being stripped.

    Good luck? Idk what to really say here. There is no way for the other side to accomplish anything.
  8. Oh God, they messing with the kitty 

    I hear the kitty has a nasty scratch 
  9. Hmm seems that ur not dtw so lets get this started
  10. Dude! I got a great idea! Lets hit someone a million cs smaller than you! Because man, that shows how strong and scary you are. Nice scout bomb, by the way. I'm extremely intimidated.
  11. Scout bomb? Haha they wer steals btw and well good job u provoked me therefore I hit u and now ur backing out?  Poor baby
  12. Oh, my apologies, 2 mil cs smaller. Sorry for the confusion.
  13. Now now, who EVER said I was backing out?
  14. OP requests that you all fighting amongst each other stop bickering. This is an Declaration of OSW thread, not a Let's argue on a random post Thread.
  15. Good, then shut up and fight. Stop complaining on forums noob
  16. You're the one with your spies pinned. Is clarifying that you're fighting someone 2 mil cs smaller than you, whining? Then my apologies.
  17. I shall leave the thread now, as OP wishes. Be seeing you, Makki.
  18. Alot of PS in that clan ,, I like it
  19. Lol at imaster you mad bro? You talk big but act small.goid luck against makki your gonna need it LOLA.