LSA Declares War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GuardianAngel, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Dont know dan, but it along with the other comments not in English are violating the ROC, believe it can result in a forum ban? Not sure…

    Oh modsss
  2. TNT and slayer are correct, the official language of the forums is English as set forth by the developers and Using any other language except English is a violation of the rules of conduct.

    1 warning.
  3. I was going to say to grimber...

    Vous êtes cicle de merde géant et vous ne savez pas comment se battre pour sauver votre vie.

    But i will say.. you are a giant poopcicle and you dont know how to fight to save your life.
  4. Wow hahah. I learned something on KaW today... Weird...


  5. LOLOLOLOLOLOL you just called him Braces!

    Your rating is now Second Class :)

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Lmao I missed that gj Big O!
  7. 
  8. Haaahaaaahaaaaa jump my 1vs1 and then call us cowards ??
  9. Steps of OSW
    1. Chest bumping
    2. Silence
    3. Rage
    4. Surrender

    Guess whats left
  10. Awww don't rage Mr.Grumpy gills

    1) Shut up
    2) Pot up
    3) Fight back

    Don't like it? Talk to Omega about CF.

    Under the circumstances... Won't likely happen. I don't know about you guys. But we're havin a ball.
  11. Props and respect for LSA retaliating in response to an attack on one of their own.
  12. Bypass removed.

    Do it again and I'll have to transfer back to being a forum mod just long enough to ban your stupid ass from the forum myself. :twisted:
  13. I am not going to try to argue with you, so i'm going express myself the only way I know, in French.
    You've showed courage declaring war, but attacking our #22 was below low, I can't think of an adjective for it I don't even think English has one, maybe.
    I am all game and won't be bothered by supposedly great terrifying warriors. Since this osw isn't going anywhere, I am just going to stay on target and keep hitting the instigator of this war until the end.
    Good evening warriors.
  14. I'll be happy to translate any other posts :D .
  15. Nice that was reallly diplomatic…

    Scares me to say this……


    Respect to the man who posted that