LSA Declares War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GuardianAngel, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Burkoff its not your spelling as much as it is your comprehension you sound like a fool bad spelling or not.
  2. Im done discussing this with you, you arent worth dignifying another response. Your clearly some kid who's balls haven't dropped yet.
  3. Burkoff, why ignore my question bro? We would like to know How it feels when feed is slapping you in the face with his kaw.

    *Take it, take it, now go kiss my ass in forums!!!*
  4. Dan. Follow. Me back.
  5. And five bucks says that guy burk is roni.
  6. And five bucks says that guy burk is roni.
  7. If burk is Roni I will be highly disappointed...
  8. God I love beating up the French. They should just give up now.

    Ever heard the saying "History repeats it`s self"?

    Now in all seriousness. I have been keeping myself out of this dick measuring contest for a while. (mostly because I`m shy.) But ladies... Wall me. ;)

    Now pull up a chair go threw all the LSA fourm post.
  9. Then read them. You'll find LSA has never once picked a fight that was easy. We've never once backed down. And we've Never backed down. EB clan War clan. It doesn't matter. We'll

    1) Drink you under the table
    2) Steal your gold
    3) Make you feel hopeless
  10. (sorry cant seem to type on these phones. Also im an idiot.)

    Like I was saying... We've never picked a fight that wasn't worth fighting. Any of you are welcome to hit me. Good luck getting gold.

    What these idiots fail to realize is that LSA way of fighting is to take everything and give nothing to the enemy.

    Any of you small statless alts that have something stupid to say. Be a real man / woman and put your cards on the table. Don't intimidate us with nothing.
  11. ^^^SUPPORT
  12. "Somebody was telling me about the French Army rifle that was being advertised on eBay the other day -- the description was, 'Never shot. Dropped once.'" - Roy Blunt (MO)
  13. look at all u lsa. puke's explaining yourself to little ol. me on why and how u do your dirt hmmm now who is the smart one here oh that would be me u jackasses o and dreadlsa fall out from this in about a week will crush your clan and your gay ass kaw. world pease out fag's. and the French rock
  14. lsa declares war. what do u declare war on. what are u rabbid dog fighting over oh waite a minute your fighting over these nuts that's what lsa is fighting over
  15. your soso sad n weird slayer you need get over your obsession of me no im not burkoff it wouldnt surprise me if burkoff was actually slayer/odin/jester/ iiizzi. trying throw some controversy into this drama to make it seem like its me. for your info i nominated dreadLSA a few months back for king of kaw the thread written by welshwarrior94 im the rambunctious account. i dont need slander lsa on a thread when i spent lots time with them good or bad. so slayer u really need come up with a more better stunt n lies if u gonner attempt try to discredit me
  16. right.... so basicly, people moan about PS.. PS players moan back.. which means that PS players contradict themselves when they say they never choose an easy target? im sure an EB noob clan is an easy target as EB noobs only fight EB's, maybe ill join LSA for visit :lol: ive known about them for a while but in all honesty never heard of them ever warring, still my friends an LSA guy so Good Luck i guess?? :?
  17. Hol omega...... we didnt choose these fools for any other reason than they chose us. If im thier clan farm then they are our clan farm. Believe me we can pick a better opponent by picking names out of a hat.... they are terrible. But THEY made it personal.
  18. Earlier your leader listed all the OSW and classed some as not big enough to speak about, but now you say all your OSW are not easy fights?
  19. He was hoping to catch your attention jas999. Hes psychic and he knew at this time you would ask that question. Idk dude. In my opinion all osw is easy because i like to fight and i go to jail for it in real life. Fighting is fun and having fun is easy. There is my 2ยข worth. Wall omega and tell him hes a liar.