LSA Declares War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GuardianAngel, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. Considering I have no message history from you on PC or device. I think your talking a little bit of crap there. 
  2. There's one problem here It makes no difference to our war

    It's also a fairly common question. Every time I hire an active player under a price I may get help with a volley from another member. They ask as well. I get asked if everyone wearing the tag is me or Alts or something. I get asked if I'm other members alt or if their my Alts. I get asked who LSA is. Almost always by new guys but also by big eb fairies our members have farmed. It isn't bad to have asked.
  3. it's because you're a very small unknown self proclaimed war clan full of stripped PS's.
    so of course not many people are going to know you.
    But GL in your war.
    I predict you'll win, just because the other clan will get bored of scouting and inc failed assa's with a few strips. As you obviously have to have an outside bank, which will become so easily targeted as it'll be an outlier from war. involving another clan. Potentially, you could get away with it, as long as there's no fail strips.

  4. Self proclaimed war clan. Sure. Doctor I dare you after this war. Or right now. Wall omega and say that. I'm sure you won't. But maybe you'll be that stupid.

    As for banks. There's not a chance they'll find our banks. And that's not just bull. Anything they find us ment to be found to mess with them

    As for winning. Well win because we don't lose. Not because their bored
  5. Doctor, just leave this thread slowly . Maybe they won't notice your stupidity
  6. Clan has to use PS build to do damage = disappointed Oli.
  7. When I vs them that is. I just can't stand scouting the whole time :'c

    LSA with the victory in a months time
  8. If you call yourself a war clan is self proclaimed as your calling yourself it.

    I will gladly say that to any clan, my stupidity has been noticed...hmm sure thing there, you'll win due to boredom from scouts, with 18 members Vs 56 they could in theory keep you pinned constantly. but that takes decent leaders and I've not heard of LLC so can't judge.
  9. I actually hadn't heard of lsa till this thread, and I found it funny that a clan of ps declared war 5 of your guys helped our sub vs ad mortem? Our sub fought ad mortem? Don't think they did, I've been in LR since the clan started, I think I'd know of something like that lol
    I believe TFK is hitting lsa now too, lol, your bank (s) will get caught, if you have TFK members tracking your accs then they will get caught, you can count on it 
  10. I hear that Sky fella is pretty sexy.

    Oh, and it wasn't their sub's war I guess. It was some other clan that was allied with their sub, but there were still hits from the two LR clans and the ally clan though.
  11. Considering who owned the sub that day and who we were speaking too. Reavers was at bare minimum lr family

    Thanks Azpretty smexy yaself

    As for Tfk hitting us. Nope hasn't happened. Just because the also are a French clan doesn't make them allies or our enemies. 

    Doesn't mean they won't but they haven't yet and I don't expect them too
  12. Even more pure spies, hopefully these IMG codes work.
  13. I thought we had already established they were almost all PS? Why must you keep rubbing that fact in their face?
  14. If and when LSA is as well known as last rights, i / we wont give a gosh darn about who we've heard of and who we havent. Nor will we waste our time and embarrass ourselves as you are/have by flooding thier threads with pointless bantha foder.
  15. Whats the point of flexing your neck muscles on a thread belonging to a clan "you've never heard of". If i was the owner of last rights i would order a beatdown on you for unnecessarilly embarrasing me.
  16. That post just gave me cancer
  17. Out of curiosity, how is a clan's reputation relevant to an osw?

    Point is, known reputation or not, LSA is going to kick French ass. :lol: