LSA Declares War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by GuardianAngel, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. wait did somebody say LR doesnt osw? what a damn nub  have you never heard of the wdgaf vs og alliance war? or LR vs BH war? or are you just a major nub?
  2. Fine im a noob. But if LR makes a thread... im not on it saying i never heard of them whether i have or havent. Why would anybody care who has heard of who. We dont. It just looks like he had something to say to me and im not sure why. Everybody know who LR is. Why is a member of LR worried about what a clan hes never heard of, making a thread about another clan i immagine he has also never heard of. Idk where he coming from or why.
  3. The level of stupidity and immaturity on this thread kills me.
  4. LSA Fighting
  5. says the ps with allies 
  6. Gonna be Intresting to observe this War...*Grabs popcorn & and places Bet*
  7. Why interesting? It will end with LSA winning because they have nothing to lose,
  8. *starts a slow clap*

  9. Lmao Pin_Master
  10. Lets hope this doesn't turn into the osw vs YMM that was kind of sad! Anyway good luck don't really know the other clan so I guess I'll be rooting for you.
  11. A brief history of LSA wars for the past year
    Only official full wars counted

    LSA v WAR family
    LSA and Zerg V IDD
    LSA v YMM

    I left out a few because no one in those clans is a forumer so I doubt anyone would have heard of them in this group. Also I can't be bothered to look up how to spell their names lol

    Some things LSA members have done over this year but not sanctioned by LSA

    4 of us against the firm. We won

    3 of us against Spy. We won

    Haven't heard of us. Really. 5 of us helped your sub against ad mortem this year. Mr lr guy

    Several of us founding a war training clan
  12. What is this madness? Damn it sky, this is the kind of stuff I want to know about.
  13. Frankie!! Sorry bud thought you went away on me lol
  14. Sorry sky. Still don't know who LSA are.
  15. Kinda sad doctor. Considering the reason you have me added was several months ago to ask about who they were just saying

    War clan players who claim not to know are worse

    Lr member doesn't know who LSA is. Lying to seem cool. Or bought his account within past few months. Or was/ is a noob. If you're a vet who's experienced in war with a war clan and have ever read forums in the war section you would know. Pretty simple
  16. It was to give you commands for EE, so don't say otherwise 
  17. I've done very few eb. And out of all of them I've had 2 bosses. Radlike and kaush. You aren't either. The only other close to a boss I had I went and farmed his clan for a few days and that wasn't you either. They never followed me

    Try again buddy. But claiming ee to a guy who's openly voiced he can't stand ee and only does em if a friend asks would mean having followed me to give commands is contradictory since you wouldn't be in charge of me if you weren't already a friend
  18. Then enlighten me, oh holy one, why was it? Because I've never asked anyone from LSA who they are because until this thread was made if never heard if them.
    I see you have links with Mercs legion, was it then?
  19. I'm not with mercs legion. Your question was why my name ended in LSA. I responded "it's my clan, their a war clan". I did have an explicaztive at the end in front of war however it was pm and that word isn't a bypass in wc or walls anyway only forums lol

    That's the reason I would assume you follow since first pm I ever get from you was that question. It was also the last lol