LR/IG update that Philo will omit- owner of IG RESETS

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *iSurrender (02), Jan 14, 2013.

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  1. @op

    I'm so sorry I'm not awake 24 hrs to post every single event the minute it happens. Believe it or not, 1ATE7 doesn't feel the need to inform me about every single thing he does either. I will update the thread.
  2. Because you're no obviously biased or anything OP. At least the philosopher gave more facts and showed much less favoritism. Your post just seemed a bit arrogant.
  3. How can anyone conclude whether it does, or does not, have to do with war. Only he knows his reasons. I agree with Wulf that its a shame to see someone like that leave the game.

    That being said, if someone on our side reset, I strongly suspect that this thread would have a totally different tone given the hosts of hater alts in the other war threads.

    I'm happy we can keep it classy and wish him the best 
  4. Probably got bored of the game lol
  5. Ate7 is a sore loser, let's see why -

    1. Instead of getting hit like the rest he try to slip in the middle of night when he saw his clan losing. Now that's a great leader not a great loser.

    2. Couldn't stand being stripped, while iG has been stripping ppl for years.

    3. He should have stood by his clan till the end like a leader but no i have to reset to stop the pain.

    4. It's interesting how ppl lose interest in the game when they r losing a war.

    Welcome to the world of losers ate7 
  6. Kinda harsh coming from arsh.. but war game it is and reason trash talk is a part of it.

    He does raise some valid points.. a leader leaving the war is tantamount to cowardice and should get a firing squad..
  7. This is my first and maybe only post on this thread;
    1ate7 has his/her reasons to reset, be it RL, clan problems or the war. Everyone should give some respect to him/her as a former leader of ig. He/ she was a true warrior and a tough nut to crack. Best of luck in the future..
  8. That's sad and dramatic for a game ;)
  9. I spoke with the head developer in charge of customer support on this.
    He is handling it personally and has assigned a person specifically to investigate this case to get to the bottom of it.

    I have PM several in iG to let them know that this has been done.
    Account sharing/hacking/scamming is a banable offense and beyond the scope of my job. This is a Developer/player issue now. I cannot provide information, even if I had it, as to what is/has been done.

    I wish I could do or say more. This situation is upsetting in the extreme.
  10. I'd bet a lot that his account was hacked or something. I don't think any self-respecting KaW veteran would post **** like that (the thread where he said iG surrenders to LR and called himself some other embarassing things )
  11. Regardless of the reasons/motives, I don't think it's within our business to discuss or gossip about.
  12. "Welcome to the world of losers..." Perfect, coming from you Arsh. Speaking from experience? 
  13. I'm Tara that's not the real arsh so u know
  14. Arsh=angel idk who that poser is
  15. It was me 

    Secretly I've been spying on iG for 3 years, Tara your next. 
  16. Wow the developers are investigation this now! I reckon they should the CIA and FBI in on the investigation too.
  17. When i was in iG about 2 years ago before i left for awhile ATEY (1ate7) was having wifey problems. He will always be respected by me.

    You will be missed.
  18. Need i say more?? Names just enough
  19. iG clan page blank?
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