LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. lol Alison. Very true.
  2. I already stated my misspelling Jayde. Duh.
  3. I'm just asking you a valid question sir.

    You said you don't care if your clan mates are stripped. So why are you even there?
  4. Yes you did lop, however even your correction is wrong lol
  5. Don don don dumber. I already said I like war. Stripping us a part if it. We all accept and welcome it. Duh
  6. If you don't care If they are stripped, why not take the Cf and teach me a lesson in war?
  7. Please take this to pm don. We are derailing this thread.
  8. Yes stripping is a part of war, however I do care greatly if my members are stripped and put forth lots of effort to prevent that from happening. Just because it's a part of war doesn't mean you just let it happen.
  9. Cool story bro. Take it to pm.
  10. I'm not derailing. This thread is about the LR-regs/bh-iG war and you are a member of iG saying you don't care if your clan mates are stripped. I'm merely asking why you don't care and why you want to be in iG if you don't care about your clan mates. It's very on topic. 
  11. lol don. Take your anger out on me in pm.
  12. Wow he really wants to get in your PM...
  13. Why do you think me asking a legit question is driven by anger? I'm pretty sure no leader wants a clan mate that doesn't care about their fellow clannies. You just keep avoiding the question. Idk why. Is a very legit question concerning this war and your stance with your clan.
  14. lol. Do you think I upset some people today?

    Answer is yes. 
  15. Do you avoid questions like why you don't care about your clan mates, why you're in a clam you don't are about, why you won't take cf since you don't care and take me up on my offer? Yes you do.

    And grrrrrr imma so anggggrrrrrrry!! 

    It's hard to be angry when you're talking to joke
  16. I'm not in a clam silly 
  17. Oh yeah I'm sorry lop, it's called a typo. It's suppose to clan. I hope you didn't override your brain trying to figure out what I was talking about. I'll try harder to type properly. I don't want you to give yourself an aneurysm.
  18. I swear this kid just lives in his own personal little world, he also seems to be one of those kids who incite conflict to look tough, but when it actually comes to preforming what he boasts about, he turns chicken **** quiet quick and avoids all questions as a) he's being a little ***** b) he's being a dumb little ***** and can't think of anything to say or c) is a dumb little ***** who doesn't know what he is getting into.

    Either way I enjoy reading his double digit IQ posts, as well as trying to drag Don to PM, probably to confess his love to him and beg for no more conflict in private like a little punk *****.

    Continue silly little forum noob, continue.
  19. iG, please refrain from posting in this thread unless cleared by Council
  20. Tara, you appear to be a logical sort. Would you please address another lie by one of your own? Seems -ss-asgardian_prince-ss- is still taunting us regarding a strip. If you can somehow get him active long enough to address the obvious discrepancy on his banner, I would appreciate it very much.