Perhaps you should go fight your war, maybe you'll be seen as some one who can do more than just run his mouth :roll: or you can stay here running your mouth and continue to look stupid, your call really.
Boba stop addressing it, I don't want it following you home. Then you'd be responsible for walking and feeding!
Thought I hear someone pinching some turds off.lop lop lop. I think it's swell you don't care if any of your clan mates get stripped. Like I said people like you are why I left iG. Why you even there If you don't care about the family? Just hiding behind the name huh
Lol I knew there was a reason a grown ass man is on here acting out like you are. Let it flow bro. But seriously if you don't care about your clan mates, why are you even there?
I like lopaidon, always got plenty of swagger, but everytime I type the name, auto correct insists it lopsided