LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Lop, have you read your posting? It's all filled with bravado and insults. You sir are an idiot.
  2. That's right don. Let it all out..... Now breathe
  3. Ahh, the joy of the osw thread. Kaw doesn't get any better than this.

  5. Wow, someone's got tickets on themselves.

    Lop said he;d get to you, so go to the back of the queue and wait your turn.

    On second thoughts, go back to pretending to be a dev in pal, you're clearly out of your depth here.
  6. Bahaha jezza. Educate yourself and I don't wanna wait. I wanna see how tough lop is now. Otherwise he'll just keep making excuses. You could always take his place. You're about as irrelevant in this war as he is.
  7. @don. Philo put a lot of effort into this thread. I don't like you, you don't like me, that's obvious.

    Lets not derail it.

    If you want to rage at me lets do its in pm. How does that sound to your primitive mind?
  8. Lop all your post all calling people out. I'm merely doing the Same thing...only to you. Suspected you could dish but couldn't take it. Figures.
  9. lol don. I am half tempted to post what you just said in Pm. 
  10. of not then why even mention it? attention?
  11. I posted that you are nothing more than pot burner with 30bil in allies. You have no funds. And guess what wins osw. Gold. You sir are irrelevant. Post away I care not 
  12. Thats a very interesting spin on things. If you like I would be happy to share with you the complete PM conversation with the iG member's "personal content" edited out.
    But for now I will tell you the following:

    This is not true. The personal conversation with the iG member WAS directed toward a CF. That person asked for a personal CF due to RL issues which are none of anyone's business and which I will not discuss.

    All I offed was "Why not just end the war. Blaze ran out on you and I honestly I would enjoy focusing on Foxes and Outlawz"
    I never "requested a CF"

    It is true that iG rejected any CF that did not include Foxes or Outlawz. The iG member who contacted me said any CF offer would need to apply to everyone except Black Hand.
    We couldn't care less about BH, but we will not cease on Foxes or Outlawz.
    This was a point we would not bend on even after a great deal of conversation on the matter

    While we appreciate iG's desire for ceasefire, we do not believe this is the time for it. And we will not allow our alliance members to be asked to accept peace with clans such as the Outlawz or Foxes.
    See what I did there. :lol:

    I truly hope you believe this because being underestimated makes wars so much easier.

    I hope you are misinformed and not just choosing to lie. Each person who talked to me has been in my Contact list for weeks and no one made any such statement or unfollowed.

    My public drama?
  13. Agree with Iop, never met Don but he seems idiotic. lop, post what he said in PM please!
  14. I told ya what I said lol.

    Wulf I have pm with iG council saying they want CF and they are tired of this whole war .
  15. Don't worry 185, once you get stats and grow, we'll know who you are. Till then you're just a statless alt, probably lops lol
  16. lol don. You claimed in pm that you left iG because of nobbing, then you asked if I'm mad because YOU'RE nobbing...... Huh?
  17. let me correct myself (before I post screenshots) you said that nobbing was a priority of iG. Whatever.
  18. So this nob head with more money than sense, goes around acting bad because he's rich. lol..... What a loser.
  19. As a player in Foxes, I assure you our cc is full of outgoing, and we're having detailed conversations about my body odor.

    Good times all around, dude. My putrid essence is known to bring good luck to all. Come give it a sniff. I never let you down.
  20. Lop get your story straight. I left iG cause people like you run to their ranks expecting to hide behind a name because they can't fight on their own.

    You brought up nobs and tried to act like because I nob I can't kaw. Then I told you when I was iG nobbing was highly encouraged. 