LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. I get the irony, it just wasnt funny.  Like a bad joke told to a group of deaf babies.
  2. Now can you take me seriously? Because now that I have told you, my words will magically be legit.
  3. Your words still mean nothing
  4. Who is pinky?

    And I didn't say I took a week off. I said I was off for a week, don't mean I could help it
  5. See IILRII--Akem_Manah--IILRII, my words mean the same regardless of whether or not you know my main. Now, go back to your inactive status and come back to forums in a month to tell us about how you have gold out and have allies. When LR is naked and working on a CF ddeal. Im sure they will understand how you were just "playing inactive" to wait to get stripped. Biiiiiiiiiiiig contributor you are, bro. :lol:
  6. ^ :roll: my main is Ajax


    Can't stop LOLLING
  7. Directed at his main being ATEY
  8. Lmao that's all
  9. who's winning? :lol:
  10. Guess who I am? And no I'm not impersonating anyone I am me
  11. Update:

    Taka and Murder Death Kill have been added to the war roster in the main thread.
  12. [​IMG]

    Tick Tock Tick Tock - Time's up Belle
  13. poor fella seems obsessed, anyone got a kleenex they can give him? i hear they have plenty of kleenex at black hand if you need any extra ;)
  14. UPDATE: Blazey of BLackHand, a figure at the center of the conflict, has left the clan and changed her name. Reason not apparenlty known.
  15. Apparently 21t strip done on simmo27?? ZAFT UK?