LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. He or she knew enough to get the person who got kicked to explain themselves and to get ol' Qx5 to post an explanation. Thats a lot of knowledge for a statless alt to know, doncha think? My opinion is that it is legit and y'all are trying to cover it up like Willy said. Why? Its a runner. Admit it and move on. You keep defending it like "alpha dont have inside problems". Clearly you do.
  2. ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻
  3. Ill never try to act like we don't have problems you noob. ANY clan OBVIOUSLY has its own problems however big or small. As for they know enough to get daph to say that.. Cool she admits that she had a disagreement ~ oh my :shock: as for "'Ol Q5" give respect where respect is due my friend he's been here since 09 and forum clans so give him proper respect. Ok? Sounds good. So learn to hush ur mouth when u don't know what ur talking about :cool:
  4. I was off for a week or so, logged on with allies ,gold out and an empty news feed. We still at war?
  5. Did I disrespect Q? No. But since your illiterate ass wants to make Alpha look stupid, you just stated there was a disagreement. The Savoir alt knew about it and started this in forums. How would an outsider know about it, dip ****? Or does Alpha let any random idiot in their clan during an OSW?
    He isn't the only one who been around since 09. And I dont respect anyone because they downloaded an app before I did. Go suckle on a tit.
  6. ^alts should be ignored
  7. @akem No offence but your allies are crap. Not worth stripping...
  8. @machine-gun...u think? Obviously I was just bumping
  9. If that's true, its sad. But either way, big wars usually work like this: You get hit if you're active. You, are waving your hands right now screaming "STRIP ME, STRIP ME!! Hopefully you weren't UDID faking to have your buddies watch you, because thats gone now.
  10. I think anyone who has been playing since 09 should quit!!
  11. Much like most ignore you, killer. Why dont you go away for a few more weeks and let the big players fight this out. Big team player you are.
  12. I'm never ignored, people just can't help but to reply to me.
  13. You still haven't left? :lol: :lol:
  14. Well, my main resides in a warring clan. You, on the other hand, left Foxes during an OSW, didn't you? Or were you kicked? I can't remember. :lol:
  15. The issue is not the alts posting but rest of us responding to them as if they carry any merit at all - regardless of side they're taking.

    If they don't even have the guts to back up their words/'facts' with their main, why should we?
  16. "Let the big players fight this out."

    Says the stat less alt :|
  17. Say what you please :mrgreen:
  18. You can't see the humor in that? :lol: That **** was as funny as Pinky saying he took a week off in the biggest OSW since the Apoc/ZAFT one broke out. :lol:
  19. lolololololol Yes. I will now tell you all my main.

    1ate7 Recognize, bish!