LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Cuddle is an ex top 10 lb.
    Has 2 hlbc mains.

    Other guy is bill gates..

    Well **** I'm the legendary assassin!!
  2. are you ezio? :shock:
  3. Lol Assassin 
  4. The last few weeks have been difficult. I dont mind war. But emotionally this is wrong.

    I had wanted to post with my main but realise that no good will come of it. Daph criticised bellemorte's actin and was told to apologise to her. Now daph had to leave .Alpha.

    This is a bull **** war. We joined this war to support our allies. i get that. Fine. allies stick together.

    I have never been a fan of LR. But I keep fighting in the war because I love our clan. I understand that we stand with our allies.

    But standing with LR is not right.

    And what is worse is what it does to our clan..

    .Alpha. is my clan... The only one I care for. But now we are affected because of the actions of one person.

    The question I ask myself is... Is it worth destroying our clan just for someone like bellemorte?

    She has no manners, rude and lies through her teeth.

    And we defend her? Just look at all the things she say!

    She represents all of us eith the things she say and its nasty. We are all made to look worse everytime she speaks!!

    Jay... I have mad respect for you and Dlight. But we both know that this is not the war to stake our clan for. We are placing our clan on the line for bellemorte?

    This is not how it should be. We are better than this.

    It breaks my heart that we have to go down this route for someone like her.

    but it is beyond me
  5. Just to clear that  issue up, its not true. Daph did not leave becoz of bellemorte or her actions. She left due to an issue with another .ALPHA. Member so that clears that.

    I would also like to give the .ALPHA. Families full support to our Alliances and we will continue to see the enemy on the Battlefield!

    Keep fighting one and all, hell its Kingdoms at WAR right? 

  6. hmmm.. An internal dispute.. Interesting ..
  7. You should never let a osw divide your clan. I've seen many clans over the years divide and die because of dissension during a war. You need to do some self reflection and decide if the possible reward is worth the cost in friendships.
  8. @Alpha_Saviour

    As a follower, we never question our leadership.
    A good soldier just follows orders. You as a good soldier, are fighting a target which has appeared in CA, that's all.
    If he's your KaW or RL friend, you don't have to hit him. Go hit an inactive.

    What Alpha does is decided by your owners, admins n council.
    Unless you're from any of these groups, I suggest just hunker down n enjoy the good fight.

    In the long run, it's less painful. Really.

    PS. This advice is for all in OSW
  9. ^^^ That's right just be loyal sheep and keep your mouth shut.
  10. 
  11. I need more than a bucket to store your tears and sweat babe
  12. Looks like they kicked Saviouris that what they call 'problem with another Alpha member'?
  13. Is that another BH Newb?
  14. Sorry I haven't been on much. In addition to being a bit exhausted by all this, I'm having real issues connecting to the forums via PC. ( no idea why). Hopefully after this weeks EE are over and a get 1-2 min rest, I will try to get it all working. Sorry.