Foxes members are a lot more mature than most. That is mostly why i didn't fit in Yeah i am obnoxious and have a loud mouth :lol: Noob though is completely different. If anyone is to call me a noob atleast do it with a main that has stats
This is my main. My main source of making you look like a ******* moron. :lol: How's that new clan working out? Oh wait? Thought you were done with this thread.......... :lol:
Sure tweed, EVERYONE has a main that is on PC only. And EVERYONE has a main that is 3 days old Your lies just make you look like an idiot. At least i tend to tell the truth :Li":
He used it to dismantle ZAFT. And why don't you ever post with your other 2 LB mains bro? :lol: :lol: