LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Okay correction. The alpha strip was 2.7 T of which 2.2 was taken.
  2. Sorry I meant 1.9 was taken.
  3. Sorry guys, with zaft happening, my head is turning to mush on me. Lol
  4. @QueenV

    You ever think for the longest time that claims have always been made against iG for account sharing? Especially their old school players. Whoever did that to HeyWTF build did so through Udid access toots, not some super hacker. 

    So before you and iG post your bs, We don't care for it.

  5. ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻
  6. Just a quick note on hacking. During the iG vs Res war my acts were hacked. The devs confirmed and all my accts were compensated(took 3 weeks for them to research this). The devs know exactly if you have been hacked or not. They go over your login history both through iPhone and Facebook. Each computer and device has a separate address of sorts. If its truly a hack rest assured they will compensate you. But if the same address was ever used in the past. They gonna say you shared and ban you on top of it. That's all. Have nice day
  7. But what if the same person hacked you as before?
  8. Hacking to win war is sad, its not war at all. Im so sorry for heywtf and hope the person responsible gets banned

    Hacking happens too often, we all know it.
  9. ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻
  10. ALPACA
  11. Soz couldnt help myself. This alfalfa spam just gets annoying. Come on robin, back to the cave
  12. LOL - Mickey
  13. Just wanted to say good job ig and allies! U guys caught me! It isn't the easiest thing to do! Now back to war!
  14. @SANMAN272: how much good did you lose?

  15. That is classy. Much respect to this player.
  16. Os-James looks about 2tril lighter this morning as well.
  17. 1.9 is low, I'm thinking 2.4

  18. os-strawberryjames lost 1.85 T.
  19. Sanman272...I agree w philosopher...classy response. Respect.