Lets all point and laugh at the longest run-on sentence of the day. You couldn't even end with a period.
He took on ZAFT by himself, bro. Watch your mouth, bro. So, it wasn't his little brother, as stated by my meme poster?
I really deep down like you Jayde. You have spunk. I hope my being a statistically-challenged opinioated alt doesnt make you see me as less of a woman. On the downside, I am significantly bigger than 1ate7 now. Recognize! Too early?
An update has been put into the history explain what is known about the case of heyWTF. At this point I would also like to ask the small builds kotfe-are-female-dogs and blackhandarsh to kindly leave the thread, you are taking up space and not contributing to the conversation. Thank you for your understanding.
Reminds me of the good old days of the iG V Res war. Claims of hacked accounts and forced resets etc. At the time I think iG said basically res were a bunch of lying 's who shouldn't have account shared to prevent strips . Sounds like good advice to me . This always seems to happen in OSW - usually to the side getting their asses handed to them. I'm sure our unbiased historian phil can remember these events. Any light to shed phil?! I know you're unbiased but you seem to be good a speculating. Oh a quick question for the kawmunity - anyone know of a CONFIRMED case of account hacking?!?
Go away chak you statless noob. Oh wait you have stats. Let me try again. Go away noob who doesnt know anything about BH. Og wait you were an original who laughs at noob hand oh hi cha. Good to see you again. How funny is noob hand these days. So funny how far they have fallen. And ill say it right here. BH will get a CF when the clan is passed on to an original BH member. Until then you will all be targets. Good luck and good day.
@ child for a moment passed from your mind that HeyWTF was n owner when he got hacked? Think before you post bs. We dont care for your theories.
I hate alt's postings on war threads. Post with your main* or don't post at all. *if your main has been silenced then post with an alt, but reveal your main.
In other news, IG has reportedly done a 2.2T strip of the alpha player sanman272. Claim to have taken 1.9T.