LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Anybody try resetting from a pc lately?

    Don't know if you still can freely
  2. Well to clear it up i did not say there was no way he was not hacked i was just suggesting posabilitys of what happened but its igs way or the farm way clearly
  3. Pretty sure I can. Did so on an account couple weeks ago. Device has been disable forever now. That why a hack doesn't make sense. A hacker smart enough to hack into someone's account is also smart enough to reset the account.
  4. Have Erok test it.
  5. Or maybe your just an idiot speculating about a war when you yourself are probably just an EB noob.
  6. So many alts on focums haha i eb a lot yes i war to but i stick to sw
  7. Good plan Willy.
  8. And A_Z is right. We're just speculating.

    Time to wait on the devs.

    *grabs popcorn*
  9. Hey, I'm down with Willy's plan too. 
  10. Like I said about the udid stuff, if someone had HeyWTF udid, it all makes sense. It's still a really crappy thing to have done but that is far from a "hack". Lots of LR come fom black hand, lots of them came from iG. I'm just sayin.

    Again not saying that happen, it just make more logical sense than "hacked".

    Lil AZ, you're not even the beginning of a pimple on my ass, grow and come play with me. It's fun.
  11. Ah the Tweed alt made it here. Yay.

    To clarify, 1Ate7 DID reset 4 accounts. This has been clarified.

    It was HeyWTF's account that is being looked into for hacking.

    That is all.
  12. Why does everyone want to get rid of bunny
  13. How long do you guys think it would take to turn this into a "Have Erok test the reset button on pc" petition?
  14. Maybe you should stick to that, and duck away from posing on this thread, before the "mindless war drones" rain down on you and your clan.

    That's free advice. :cool:
  15. You're pissed at me because I called craigyjarv and idiot EB noob? Cool story .

    @Shol, I was talking about Craig, lol.
  16. I think we should start a separate thread. That kid would do anything to prove his superiority.

  17. I already have a couple of ig and bh farming no advice.earlier?
  18. Is Really IG-war clan
     1)they were giving out misleading info on war strips along with BH noobs
     2)they were whinning to demod belle ( blah blah accusation regarding tats pm)
    3)making false accusation over belle on privacy breach (clearly cyber law in many country incl Britain states that never post personal info or pic in online ,u didnot follow it & u posted or made ur son pic avilable online in public so entire fault is urs(even millions of millions of celebrities pics r morphed daily in online no law can deal with them coz wen u post something in online & made public it's no longer ur property)
    4)-now whinnig of hacking (wen an allies get dropped & accs resets happened )Why can't they  have good fight instead of crying always & keep up thier respect  of one of best war clans in kaw,they shld really change war(drama)stratergy