LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. The thread has been updated with the 1ATE7 news.
  2. @ -oOz-

    There are more regulator strips posted than IG strips because IG has decided not to cooperate and give out that information. I would like to commend regulator council for being so forthcoming both positively and negatively about what they have done.
  3. Update

    Longtime iG member HeyWTF wrote a thread offereing surrender.
  4. The rats always jump a sinking ship - unbiased view for Phil-o-tool lmao
  5. Update. There are now unconfirmed reports that heyWTF's account has been hacked into. Will post more when more is known.
  6. I think something bad happening in iG
  7. U didn't think ate7 will leave quietly he is gonna reset and take the whole clan with him that's typical IG, sad but true. He will reset all accounts he can I would hold on strips lmao
  8. Ok my main will soon be joining ig's side ;)
  9. What's the name of ur lousy main? ^
  10. Just want to thank GvE for a fail strip lol.

    And it was a pure spy that stripped me lol.
  11. Thats a lot if posts anyone got a quick now how of why clans are all at war?
  12. **** just got real.
  13. Where does Kreuzritter fit into all this? 
  14. So glad valid points are being made here on this thread. Please tell us more about your spam. I'm intrigued.
  15. ˻͝˻͝ʹ͜ ˓͜⌯⃕˓⋟ɖıvıɴɛ яɛɢıɱɛɴT⋞˒͜⌯⃔ʹ͜˻͝˻͝.
  16. Lol really death? It's a nice tag tho
  17. I sarcastically insulted you. Just so you're aware. ;)
  18. Update

    IG admin heyWTF had his account hacked into. The hacker then kicked all non-admins from IG. He then made up a surrender thread and dropped all of heyWTF's buildings.

    This is very troubling news and Wulf has gotten ATA to assign someone to personally look into the matter.