LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. By the way, I am very shocked and honored to announced this thread has had over 53,000 views.
    To put that in perspective, DIllybar's 2009 stickied post questions here thread has 57,000. I don't know what the record is for a non-sticked thread, but I bet this one is close to it.
  2. You my friend have just reached a level of popularity that us mortal forumers only dream of 
  3.  I see i get a mention 

  4. Erok, do you ever shut the **** up? I swear a hundred pages ago Joe had ordered all Foxes to not post on this thread, yet your mouth keeps on flapping.
  5. I find it funny u havent touched me Erok... All mouth no stats isnt it?  but i wont be drawn in by ure childish games, not my style, to the rest of the Foxes grinding away and stayin quiet, I tip my hat  very respectful clan 

  6. Why am I not surprised.

    JayMoney can you confirm Revelations surrender?
  7. Jay,

    I never disrespected you. I could swear my last post was respect to alpha.
  8. Tweed,

    Joe said no trash talk. If you haven't realized i have been nothing but facts and respect. Talk with a main or don't talk at all.

    Also, i know my stats suck :3
  9. .ALPHA REVELATIONS. Were moved to .ALPHA. Do you not see .ALPHA. Back on the leaderboard?

  10. This is my new main :lol: . And my validity doesn't really matter when addressing your noobish banter. You are a non-hitting scrub who is riding along on the coat tails of others. Glad you're not in my clan or I'd kick you.
  11. Tweed,

    Non hitting? Ask a lot of Alpha and they will say they saw me at one point in their news feed. Now that converted to hansel my stats are smaller.

    Noob banter? 
  12. ^Says the guy who is spy p for past half our
  13. 31-8
    Attempted strips

    LR/Regs came out swinging
    Is BH/iG side not reporting or not attempting?
    I mean sweet Jesus that's lopsided...bhig just saving funds for the long run? I would imagine that they have a lot of resources available to them..
  14. Sorry. I must have missed that in my search to find out what rank Alpha is. :lol: :roll:
  15. Maybe the rest of Alpha can vouch for your massive onslaught. :lol: Or are you far too busy "taking on ZAFT"? :roll:
  16. [​IMG]
  17. What's with the misfits possibly being involved? After two weeks they haven't decided?