No Stan. Phil is Boris Yeltsin but I think that's personal information .... So expect a new thread tomorrow with a letter from ATA confirming that Phil, in fact, is NOT anyone by the name of Boris @lime- I heard he was an unbiased reporter . <~~~~not an accusation. Do not take as such.
A statement by DivineRegiment: We, the loyal members of DivineRegiment joined this war quietly nearly a week ago to fight alongside our allies .ALPHA. and our friends at Regs, 7ds, and LR. We have been hitting under the radar. Now we wish to make ourselves public and a force in this war! Despite being hit by many clans at once, we have not backed down, nor will we. We will hit with full force! Those of us at DivineRegiment are happy to be part of this great alliance in this osw.
Apologies to DH, but apparently no one noticed you were hitting until today. Not going to get in a cat fight on the history thread, belle. You are welcome to spam my pm again accusing me of being Broods alt.
I never accused brood... I mean Phil. I was making a funny because you are such a pompous biased ass. But- as I figured, you would call it an accusation despite my blatant and obvious statements showing facetiousness. I suppose unbiased reporters must maintain super cereal persona at all times, tho, right?!?
And it's Divine Regiment. Don't try to down play their role. They are hard hitting, loyal, and i am thankful to say that they are on my side. I understand that it would be in the favor of the people paying you (not literally. Please don't email support and request confirmation that you are not being paid by anyone) to downplay certain members on our side of the war to attempt to make them feel less important- but sorry!!! Not gonna work philly