LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. So KOTFE noobs "changed the target on purpose" to what, EPIC BATTLE??? They are back to hitting their EB, EB noobs it was obvious they couldnt stand ALPHA "changed their target on purpose" Thx for the fun kotfe you madey day 
  2. [​IMG]

    Emperor 

    Kotfe close that before you get further deep into your own 
  3.  interesting read. Just sat and read like 40 pages. Looks like a crazy osw 
  4. Update:

    The clan Reapers Legion ( remember the clan that was hitting both sides) has withdrawn from the war because no one was paying attention to them. They will now try to grow their clan so next time ppl will start paying attention.

    Thanks for the memories Reapers legion
  5. Lol, who didnt see that coming?
  6. Honestly, this better be best of when it's all over. This is such an interesting war report.. It's like a REALLY good book that I'm actually interested to.

    Loving it. =)
  7. All alts and people that are making comments about what is happening in the war please do not post. You are taking up valuable reading time. Besides that respect to all clans
  8. Update

    The regulators are posting this following list of their strips so far.
    (Note ones that were listed previously are ommitted.)
    I will list in the main part of thread as well as requested.
    (BTW a similar list from BH/IG would be nice)

    Nikki412 (BH)1.2T
    Wardog217 (-wit-)1.25T (350B taken)
    BlueKiller (BH) 1.721T (1.5T taken)
    Griever369 (iG) 1.721T (1.5Taken)
    TB-Snicker_Man-TB (Wit) 1.066T
    Evilucard (iG) 1.78T
    Imrahir (wig) 410B
    Eckscalibar (Foxes) 60B
    1Ate7 (iG) 220B Attempt (failed strip only got 20B)
    Direwolff (War Honor) 60B
    Liizamlii (iG) 686B
    Angryman (iG) 822B (took 230B)
    Blackjoe (WiG) 685B
    xJunnN (Wig) 500B (422taken)
    Illillimad_liilii_dog (wig) 230B
    Danaaspin (Foxes) 15 B
    -ss-PurpleDrank420-ss (wit) 140B
    Radarchef (wig) 233B
    illlNllOlllMllillNlliliG (iG) 50B
    gavlaaar (WiT) 342B
    xiell_easykeysy_iirix (Wit) 89B
    -ss-DCB26-ss (-wit-) 170B

    Good work, Kawers. Keep it coming.
  9. The main history has now been updated.
  10. Two strips of 1.721T...? Sounds legit.
  11. Nightmare machine is a fail. Don't you have some women to insult while you sit comfortably in a non waring clan? It is funny that you let your home clan be burned down while you come on the forums acting like a tough guy. Sexist pig.
  12. Main please?

  13. Sorry, that was my mistake. Bluekiller lost well under 1T. I corrected it in the main history.
  14. @pinmaster

    I share your view about not showing small strips, however, some clans have been very forward in sharing their strip information, and I would be perhaps showing a bias if I didn't post when asked.
  15. Philosopher they stripped 502bill from me and got about 72bill b4 i banked. Idk how u are getting these numbers
  16. @bluekiller Philo is only mentioning the strip attempts. Not how much was lost. So theres nothing wrong there.
  17. Phil who ever told you I was done for that much is talking full on horse crap.
  18. @snicker

    Please tell us your side of it as well, and please have your alliance freely post their strips here as well. I've asked but was denied.
  19. I'm not at liberty to post such things in forums. But keep up the good work