LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. The only clan tag posts I've seen yet are Alphas, lol.
  2. hi

  3. ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻

      

  4. ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻ :lol:
  5. ALPHALFA
  6. poor shadow, does everyone need to be reminded that you got talked into resetting your main with a in game pm that had no validity but yet you did it?? :lol: :lol: :lol: you're the last nubcake that belongs on this thread lmao go bake some cupcakes or something :eek:
  7. george leading lenny to the alphalfa? :lol:
  8. I could go for a :lol:
  9. it was third party app noobhead and im glad i discovered my other alts to play with :twisted:
  10. lol fail trolling isn't enough?
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (all hand typed)

  12. Prophet, "bump ur gums"? What did I hurt u with again that u talk in such manner? No need to try so hard to make up reasons to talk **** on my clan. U and me both know, we can go on forever but I thought we are now better than that.. :)

    Yes, we know how to track and we have been. You know me well after all. We also are not blind to see same names on both rosters - regs and 46and2. Just like i told Philo, I only wanted to hear a statement from u and such could be "yes 46and2 is in this war".

    U can ask "is this and this clan involved?" When clan is in ur friends news already, yet u bashing my clan for asking for an official statement vs our tracking proof? Btw, don't forget that many allies are undervalued these days so it makes tracking lil more confusing ;)

    Anyway. Don't wanna fight u in forums again. Drop ur trolling.
  13. ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻

    ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻ :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
  14. I've lost track
  15. Calig, I'm glad U've learned my name by now and can't stop repeating it lol It's cos I'm in ur news feed. I suggest u try hitting back or stfu tho :)
    The one or whatever, I understand u butthurt over me, a turtle build, keeping ur spies pinned for hours yesterday (I think it was u - too many of u flies here in forums), but conceder me a bh spokesperson, though im getting bored here too :(

  16. This is too much ... Need to cut out the first one

  17. too many quotes :(

    ༺Ꭺ༒Ꮮ༒Ꮲ༒Ꮋ༒Ꭺ༻ for life (or until i feel like it) :lol: