LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Phil, I said "if they join"
  2. If they both joined the iG side it wouldn't be a war it would be a slaughter. Why would anyone want that?
  3. Not that them joining the other side is wanted. If they joined iG side war would be over in a week.
  4. @dondada

    It is not my intention to follow every 50-100b strip. I'll add what I can, but I took a day off just to recover a bit.

    As for kotfe, I am asking now if there has been incoming from them.

    By the way, as for supplying funds for strips, 46x2 have been accused by BH council of doing this as well. Can you confirm if 46x2 are supplying funds?
  5. WHAT THE ****

  6. The pic has lost its prestige after all the fails.
  7. @ cuddle

    The regs have claimed to have stripped 17 b if which 15 b has been successful. Their biggest strips have been on the clan -wit-. 6.2 t taken from that clan alone.
  8. And If you believe that drivel then I'm the real tooth fairy 
  9. IG council has decided not to cooperate in releasing strip information. Unfortunately.
  10. Philo will adit his post later, right Philo? Lol Cos when I said 'I don't accuse anyone, I just want them to confirm' - he posts 'accused' in forums and tells me 'I posted before I saw ur pm', makes me think Philo is just trying to provoke here but whatever lol

    However, 46 and 2 have some main/alt accts that are linked to regulators and are in war from there. Just check out the names on both rosters. As well as some allies were tracked

    I already asked this question on this thread, but again....since iProphet wondering about other clans involved, will u Prophet confirm 46 and 2 are involved too? After all u seem well informed, with regs tone in ur posts ;)
  11. Philo.

    2 Things

    1. call me erok

    2.iG wouldn't realize strip information for two reasons. 6.2 Tril hasn't been taken.
    No WiT member "sleeps" they put it in bronze bars and left little out at a time to make idiots think they stripped them.
    Also, why would iG take the time and waste time writing to people on this thread? If Members of WiT lost 6.2 tril iG would have already called in several other clans.
  12. @ trouble

    Sorry for the wording. Not trying to provoke anything.

    Just to be clear, it has been heard that 46x2 is supplying strips, but are not accused of it by any one group.
  13. Sigh cuddle Erok pls shut up your constant gum flapping is annoying, go back to fail scouting someone
  14. @Sugar. I stopped posting on like page 5 of original thread after being accused of account sharing. That thread and the other one went on for over 160 pages WITHOUT my or BH presence. So ya, I can say what I said about 'forum fighters'. I'm good at multitasking tho. I unload on u, pin Midevil, harass Calig or Koju and post forums while doing my grocery shopping LOL and last 24 news I have is Midevil spam follows 20min ago lmao
  15. @One

    Fail scouting? That idiot in reg academy has been my little ***** for hours haven't failed one yet!

    Go back to your lurking hole