LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Lmao that history is great. Good job. Will skip the rest of this headache of a thread and look forward to page 1 updates. 
  2. I wonder if war reporting is considered spam on a war thread.... 
  3. as long as its not just numbers should be fine.
  4. Dylan_thecreator when you find out my alt that is a spy in alpha tell me who is the noob.
  5. Yo lurker, post a SS of your newsfeed 
  6. Lol @ lurker.

    who surrendered to who last time? My memory fails me..
  7. Stonecold noob ceak check your newsfeed
  8. 0 spies for you

    And I hit you with only 2 troops
  9. Someone hire me
  10. I just checked him noob liar he isn't 0ed
  11. Now he is

    I guess you cried to CC?
  12. He was 0'd when i said he was. He is 0'd now. Ask him for SS'
  13. Stone in Reg academy CC:

  14. There's some serious drivel Comming out of some people's mouths last few pages. Why not shut up and war! So u get 1 min of fame by posting do your talking on the battle field. We will all know the winners of this war in a few months time! Till then shut it and fight!! 
  15. Ston3 i 0ed you 4 minutes before you "0ed" him so you asked CC to do it
  16. Stone cried to CC again

    0 Cuddle 0 Cuddle!!!!