LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Monster, u say war runners? FYI LR was created by war runners. During the war they ran from
    And bypassing to say that u never heard of NBN? Never say that on ur main - embarrassing

    Didn't read full post, even tho it's shorter than mine, scuzme
  2. LOL Saleen u funny! I likeI will visit more often now
  3. Is it obvious? Know what would suck? If you were wrong, because you would obviously be an.idiot, and it would be obvious to all. But if me being LR alt is in fact obvious, then obviously your not said idiot. Unless obviously your mistaken.
  4. Had to say that with his obviouslys lol
  5. I'm a noob, I know but wot I'd like to know is can sum1 make me a clan named: NOOB HAND ?
  6. Or maybe there speaking there mind... :roll:
    How do you not know there main clan allows no forum-posters allowed?
    Think before you say things :p
  7. Damn seems like those clans did a number on that guy 
  8. I could be a LR alt. Or I could be somebody on the sidelines voicing his opinion. Think though, would I give so much respect to BH if I was in LR?
  9. Monster - post with Ur main about WAR fam plz.
  10. Don't know NBN? U must been living in a box lol
  11. Post with my main? Weirdly, I actually like the 200b or so in allies I have on it, and I'd like to keep them. Thank you though.
  12. At least he's honest
  13. My prediction: After a few months IG is going to realize that this is going for the long run. They will find some reason to leave, bringing this huge entourage with them, leaving BH alone, or almost alone. BH has to much invested to leave though. Being newly formed they can't lose their first OSW. They will continue to fight the good fight until either they slowly lose members, ending up like aah, or they earn a mutual cf. I do not see any sort of CF when IG is involved though.

    Still cant find any word on NBN though. They one of those role playing clans?
  14. Chickens with opinions
  15. Lmao Will
  16. Chickens with opinions. I think ill use that one :). Correct me if i'm wrong, but you are M(L)ckeykn0cks, are you not? I find it hard to believe you returned to kaw after "retiring", and just owning this blackhand account you talk on. I think your hiding an account. If so, what makes me different from you? If not...oops lol