LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. I think he said something about having his alt in alpha. And loling at them.
  2. Hi spar  can't reply to u in pm im still perm mute I guess they get serious about perm mutes when ur in ur 8th perm mute
  3. @Sin They are fighting for your clan in this war. And you've never heard of them? lol atleast show some respect to your allies
  4. Lol sin they got me on my 8th silence and I only got 4 months to wait this time. Damn inconsistent devs
  5. Forgive the monkey. He skipped evolution.
  6. Lol. Belle, quick fingers i see.
  7. 8th perm 11 silence all in all I believe... Ops sorry my bad...  I thought alpha on the other side!! It's that damn ad post that noob posted that made me comment yikes lol
  8. See I know how to kill a thread 
  9. Thank you. I know a lot more threads that could use your kind of expertise
  10. 
  11. Too bad belle deleted :( should've left just for giggles
  12. ikr
  13. Im a newbie to this new stuff im used to the old days when forges dominated.

    Im wondering about these banks and stuff like how are they setup and crap
  14. Wow if this is true, it is like almost a world war! :lol:
    Sounds really fun, no lack of targets for both sides :p
  15. You pinned on me. How in the hell did you confuse SALEEN with Apheriun??? You need to be a better role model for your clannies. Those soldiers were reserved for a special someone.

    On a serious note you caught me by surprise when I checked my news feed and to my horror saw an incoming action that wasn't a scout. I panicked and didn't know what to do for a second
  16. So, after reading both sides and watching this little battle i've decided to post my thoughts. Yes before anyone says it, I am a statless alt. Maybe I don't wanna get farmed, maybe my main is involved in this, or maybe I'm part of an intertested third party that isn't ready to reveal our plans yet, but anyways.

    First, who cares why this started. Who cares who farmed who, who said what, or whose feelings were hurt. This is a war game, lets all say the war started, because the clans involved love to war, ya?

    Second, the lineup. This is going to look extremely biased, because again, i'm either involved on one side, or i'm just completely blown away by what I'm seeing.

    BH/IG side

    IG: We see why your in this war obviously, you got a 1t bank hit, ya I'd be mad too. Does the whole thing seem fishy, i think so. Few will ever know though if it was a set up. I would like to congratulate you guys on getting your genitals handed to you on silver platters by yafi. What was it, like 500 vs 70? I know, I know " It was a mutual cf, we were tired of fighting for aah". Guess what, when one clan leaves the war, with their allies still in a fight, and the enemies still fighting, that's called a surrender. So, you get spanked by yafi, and you decide to make yourselves feel better by ganging up on a well known, but newer war clan with a clan they have been feuding with for a while. Honorable enough.

    Warriors of the Ancient Realms: Weren't these guys in the war with yafi as well? Hmmmm...yafi is still at war...I think we all know yafi didnt surrender to them...soooo..ya know what I'm saying?

    Voodoo: Are these guys really involved? Last I checked they were still on yafi's clan page, and no don't say they're good enough to fight both at once, because they're not. How did that surrender to regs taste? Didn't follow that war much but you guys lasted what, 3 weeks?

    The outlawz: Did you fight yafi? I don't recall, maybe you were still licking your wounds from the regs too. 3 weeks right? It's okay, not everyone can move wars as fast as voodoo,and lose every war in the process. So your subclan isn't in the brawl eh? How do you expect to turn those eb noobs into warriors if you keep them out of the fray? Maybe young guns should take your place in this fight, let the old bulls take a breather, wouldn't want to get winded at the 3 week mark again.

    Foxes: LOLOLOLOLOL. I bet the regs loved seeing you guys join in. You guys are the true champs here. Lasted almost a month in the reg war right? Guess what, this doesn't look like it's gonna be a 3 week war guys, sorry :(. I understand though. Wanted payback, saw that every other clan in kaw was backin up ig, so you decided it was your time to shine. Maybe get in a couple jabs before you decided you don't like war again. Shoot if I was regs I would pin you guys for a few days until you turned tail, then got back to the real fight.

    No bully network: Dafuq are you guys? Congratulations as well. No matter how this war goes, your name will never be remembered.

    Black Hand: Respect. As stated, this whole thing seems fishy to me, and you guys talk a lot of a crap, but your fightin the good fight. This is a war game, and you guys are doing just that. There's alot of " They're not as good as the old BH", but who cares. Same name, new people. If you guys can last longer than your choice of allies, you'll be respected no matter how the outcome. Fact.

    Now does anybody see the trend here? Besides BH, this lineup is filled with war runners and eb warriors that can't hold a war for longer then a few weeks, riding on the tail of the once mighty IG, but the now pitiful clan who couldn't beat one clan with 8 others at their backs.

    To the LR alliance, my respect goes to you. It's only a matter of time before your opponents realize they miss hitting hauntings, and make some excuse on why they cant fight anymore. (except for voodoo, they'll go find another war to lose).

    But anyways, I got some eb's to hit waiting for me on my main so I'll end this little rant.

    Happy Kawing :)
  17. Obvious LR side alt is obvious.