LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Melissa I'll get on my alts and farm you later.for now shut the front door and get back to the war

    Badger,calm down she's just here to piss us off with her tiny stats
  2. Yeah, you don't really know what happened, or see it from our side
  3. That's not for me or for u to decide Stan. I think u accused me straight up but I'll let devs deal with it.

    Sharing virtual funds isn't same as sharing accounts. Lots of strips were founded by multiple people from multiple clans, that involved in this war. And that's what I mean when I say 'share funds', smart ass wannabe :)

    Negative, machine is right, u not worth noticing lol came back to LR only after UK kicked uur clan was at war, why did u go to ebs?
  4. stan said, "share things" he never said accts, wow more desperation.
  5. Brainiac... YOU said YOU were Badger before you edited that post on the PC.
  6. I wasn't involved in the war till yr council whined to them about me being there "oh there's a small guild hansel who's not even involved in the war, in a different clan to LR, omg in disgusted at this, I'm gunna cry to then to kick him"  lmao this is hilarious
  7. By the way.. My alt is still sitting pretty in omega. When that is fixed I will quit LoLing at alpo.
  8. I'm not a PC player..... This account is linked but I assure you I am not on a pc, and for the record I've no idea how you edit a post on PC anywayI'm a forums noob, and I am not badger
  9. I pmed UK to kick u and had a guy sit on u yes
    You say it's disgusting? Go tell it to belle who pmed me at least twice before war, demanding to kick LR 'farms' from BH. Damn hypocrites.

    Tyvm Dom for pinning my spies, so I don't have to do it on Stan again lol
  10. this is the reason theres been 4-5 threads created. everytime a new piece of anything that made a certain someone look bad, all of the sudden a new thread. wow lolol. trouble how do u like ryan's build that you copied?

    funny i recognize names from the regs vs foxes thread and now some have a problem with that pic after foxes waited until they knew there was a lot of clans to hide behind before jumping into osw. all these toughies should have manned up from the start, or did bh need more help? you decide :lol: :lol:
  11. Copied? Sorry to tell you but every build id a cariationbof something already made. thx.
  12. par·a·noi·a (pr-noi)
    1. A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution with or without grandeur, often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.
    2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.
    [Greek, madness, from paranoos, demented : para-, beyond; see para-1 nous, noos, mind.]
  13. I received no inc when I left uk???? I left before they were about to kick me, but didn't get inc till I went to clan b, to trash talk pitbull6995 LOL
  14. And I didn't say it was disgusting, I was impersonating what I think you were thinking when you say me in uk
  15. @cunnilingus
    That pic is disgusting. That's all there is to it. I won't lie. I watched the Reg/LR vs foxes thread. You know what? I am beginning to think that you two badass clans may have just pissed in each others boots this time. I keep seeing "cry,cry,cry they have a big team". Ya know what? Last time this happened Foxes had very little support, but this time... It's not the case.
  16. i'll prove stan right. i had no inc from bh for 18 hours, make that statement about how trouble went and copied ryan from yafi's build and boom a few incs from trouble :lol: :lol: :roll:
  17. When was the last time somebody cried because we were outnumbered?
  18. Do you really need 4 spokesmen/women/its on one page?