LR alliance vs BH alliance: An OSW History Thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Closer to 500 pages xD let's do this!

    What's the likelihood of this coming back up after Rancor wars?
  2. 100%! If they get hits ofcourse, if not then 0%
  3. where is ashes when you need him 
  4. Go away great
  5. You don't have a place here. Go bench press a car
  6. Maybe I will next week. Got to conserve energy now
  7. My favorite line after the cf "well ****, I just put 10 trill out! I guess that strip is off?" 
  8. LR didn't win though?
  9. I have his bet on here too.... Let me find it.


    That was his last prediction with a mid-April WIN by ig and by win he meant that LR alliance clans would drop out.... Didnt happen. And something about a cf agreement which involved LR giving something.... Didnt happen.

    So I'm waiting on you swabs!!!!
  10. Since he changed his prediction several times, I'm going with the last bull **** prediction he made.
    He never changed the terms of his bet and what he would do if wrong :))
  11. Belle, want some more paint chips? I'm full
  12. No thx kitty. They stopped putting the lead in them so they lost their spicy tang I loved so much.
  13.  hah. I use my trusty ol' cheese grater on that old lead frying pan i have, 2 bowls of that (and a few bowls of something else) has made me super duper smawt.
  14. Because the osw was taking forever the clan owners did a contest. It was 100 meter running with a spoon in there mouth with on that spoon an egg the first who would pass the finish line without breaking the egg would won the war,but they finish toogheter so a cf was the only solution
  15. I tripped James halfway through. He said I cheated. Almost shut down negotiations.
  16. I will be the one to make the strangest analogy here.

    A cease fire after a really long war is like having been out all day and in desperate need of a toilet but one was nowhere to be found, and that moment when you finally get to go is just. Now that's what a cf is like after a really long war of having led a sleepless life, anyone that tells you differently is either a pure spy or a liar.

    So congrats to all involved on your cf, and sleep well until the next one, in the meantime lets drink to the existance of cease fire's and toilets
  17. Well I was in front. James and belle cheatedbrood and wulf finished the same time without breaking egg. Medic finished 0.5 sec after brood and wulf. ireg got pissed bc he broke his egg and he started slapping his self